Errands? What does he mean by that? Where would we be going?I've noticed something about Negan- He likes to play games. He loved knowing things that others don't know. He likes leaving people confused and wondering just so they give him more attention. Just like how he said errand...we all know its not just a trip to Walmart.
He left the room and stood in the hallway while I put some clothes on. I was moving kind of slow have to admit. It wasn't long before Negan started to complain. So, I hurried up and got my shoes on and stepped out in the hallway to see Negan waiting for me with his arms crossed.
"Took you long enough" He rolled his eyes, starting to walk down the hallway.
"Did I?" I asked, acting dumb.
"Shut. Up." He said through his teeth.
"Where are we going?" I asked him right after.
"I said shut up. Right?" He scoffed.
"No left." I said, slightly laughing at my terrible joke.
"I want to hit you..." He sighed.
"I want to know where we're going." I snapped back.
"Shut up!" He snapped.
I crossed my arms, trailing slightly behind him as we walked to the pavilion where the cars were parked. It looked like a lot of the other men were going as well. They were getting the trucks and semis ready. Usually we only used those for picking up supplies...
I followed Negan to his truck, getting in the passenger seat quietly. I watched Negan carefully as he got in and started the car, recklessly pulling out of the pavilion and down the road, followed by his men behind him. As we drove in silence, the road became familiar. Pretty soon I had a good idea of where we were going. As soon as it came to me I felt a knot form in my stomach.
"Negan..." I said quietly.
"Yes, dumpling?" He said.
"Let me out."
He raised his eyebrows at me. "Fuck no?" He laughed in confusion.
"Negan I don't want to go there-"
"You're explaining to them. I don't want to seem like I kid napped you or something creepy like that." He chuckled.
"No, Negan please-"
"Shut the fuck up. This is your mess you're going to learn to have some balls and not be a pussy and own up to your own shit. My girl ain't going to be no pussy..." he trailed off. "As long as she has one."
I felt my face get hot and I had no words. So I sunk down in my seat and stayed quiet.

Redemption {Negan FanFic}
Fanfiction~Sequel to Salvation~ She ran away thinking home was somewhere else. She ran away knowing she loved him. She ran away feeling a connection lost. He watched her scream and cry for freedom. He watched her leave out of anger at himself for watching her...