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"Shit, shit, shit!" I said to myself as I ran.

Walkers were everywhere in these woods. Everywhere I turned there was one.  I was running away from at least six of them at the moment.

I turned the flashlight behind me to see if they were still close, but as soon as I turned back in front of me one was standing right there. I stopped, and screamed a little before taking me my dagger and stabbing its head. I pulled it out and began to run only to run into another one. More were coming behind me, so I just dodged it. I couldn't stab every one of them.

I ran as fast as I could, but I couldn't run much longer. I was slipping in the leaves and mud that became slippery from the rain which was also making it hard to see.

I turned around the corner, knowing the main road would be that way. As soon as I did, I lost my balance, slipping and falling, cutting my leg on something. I screamed in pain, which wasn't really a good idea. I put the flashlight in my leg to see my leg already cover in blood from a cut that was from my ankle to halfway up my shin. I took a deep breath and stood up, and started to limp. No more running now.

I finally found the main road, and started to follow it. Hopefully I wouldn't run into anymore walkers because I don't know if I would be able to handle that.


I could see the sun was starting to come up. It was still dark, but soon it would be light out which would make it more dangerous for me to be walking. Luckily I was almost there.

I started walking up the long gravel road that led to the compound in the woods. I felt myself getting anxious as I walked closer and closer. As soon as I saw the compound I felt my legs began to shake. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if they killed me on sight.

I got close enough to the door to see the men standing in the doorway that were on watch. I slipped my knife in my pocket, and but my hands up as if I were surrendering as I approached the door. Not soon after, two men came running out, both ready to shoot me until one of them lowered their gun almost as soon as they saw me...I'll let you have a moment to guess who it is...

Dwight. A smile smacked across his lips now. He elbowed the guy next to him who still had their gun raised. I stopped, rolling my eyes. "Well looky here..." Dwight chuckled. "We should fucking kill you. But I have a feeling someone here will be damn happy to see you... or he might like to kill you himself."

I just wanted to laugh because I just realized how much I hated Dwight, remembering what he had done to me the night I left.

"What are you doing back here, princess?" He asked me.

"Definitely not for you." I mumbled.

He laughed. "Hope you're not planning on staying." He said, putting an arm around me and leading me to the door. "Boss hasn't been too kind to your people here lately. Really doubt he'll treat you any differently."

I shook my head. "Maybe I had a death wish."

"Well. I would be prepared to take your last breath after coming here again, honey."

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