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Hearing him talk in that low tone gave me chills down my spine. I had to try so hard not to smile like an idiot while looking at him. I kept my blank expression though, and looked right back into his eyes.

He looked away, stepping back. "Sooo, on that note," he said, snapping me out of my thought bubble. "I'm going to leave you in here while  I figure out what I'm going to do with you. Sound good?"

I felt my stomach turn. "What?" I snapped. "I did not risk my life coming here just to sit in a room-"

"Hey, you don't have to be here. That was your choice. Not sure what you were expecting, Kit-Kay." He says while making his way to the door. "I hope you enjoy your night, sweetheart."

As he was shutting the door I started to think of any reason for him not to leave. I just got here. I just saw him for the first time in months. I had so many questions and things I wanted to say.

"Wait..." I said. Negan stopped and looked at me through the cracked door. I thought for a moment, when I realized my leg was still bleeding. "I'm hurt really badly. I'm bleeding." I said.

I saw the annoyance in his expression as he opened the door wide again. He walked over to me, he squatted down beside me where I sat down. He noticed right away where the wound was.

"Fuck. That shit ain't good." He mumbled, scratching his chin as he thought. "Well...I guess I can't leave you here like this...and my medicine guy is out picking up shit...so what do you suppose I do, princess?"

I looked at him and shrugged.

He sighed, and stood up. "I'll try my best to fix you up I fucking guess." He bent down to put his arms under me to pick up, but in reaction to that I flinched and scooted back. He raised his eyebrows at me. "Calm your tits. I'm just picking you up." He snapped.

I eased up a little bit, letting him pick me up. He was gentle but still was in a rough way.

"You lose weight?" He asked as he brought me out into the hallway.

"Gee, I don't know. It's not like someone has taken half of our food supply. Right?" I snapped.

All he did was grow a toothy smile on his face, and continued to walk. "Not taking shit from no one. Not even from me." He laughed. "That's my girl."

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