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He carried my gently down the familiar hallway. I was tense in his arms for a while, but I slowly eased into his arms, I put my head in the crook of his neck. I felt him smile.

He stopped in front of the door, kicking it open like it was nothing. He walked in, throwing me on the bed as if I was a doll. I looked at him as he shut the door, and turned on the light. Before he went into the bathroom or did anything else; he pulled up a chair in front of me where I sat on his bed and sat on it, and just looked at me.

"...what?" I asked very confused.

"Come on...tell me everything. How they done you wrong." He said.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "I did..."

"Oh don't bullshit me. There's more. I want the niddy-griddy stuff. What actually happened."

I rolled my eyes, not really wanting to get into it right now, feeling pathetic. I took a minute to try and find my words. I took a deep breath in. "They just didn't want me there." I shrugged sheepishly.

He rolled his eyes and groaned in annoyance. "Oh come on. That's not it. What'd they do to you!?" He clapped his hands.

I jumped when he yelled. Why did he care so much?

"They just...were mean. They ignored me and spoke to me rudely. They just didn't want me there...they called me..." I trailed off.

He put a hand to his ear. "What was that, baby?"

"They called me... one of Negan's." I said quietly. "And I hated it all. I just wanted it to stop."

He sat back in his chair, sighing, and crossing his arms. He looked me up and down, scratching his chin. "Well...what do you suppose I do with you?"

I shrugged, really not knowing what to say.

"You're wanting me to keep you? Right?" He said with a sarcastic grin.

I shrugged again.

"I mean, of course I'm not letting you go back. This ain't no three strike ballgame. You're done with chances...I suppose..." he said and paused. "I could just keep you here with me."

I didn't have a response for that. But, it seemed like he was waiting for me to speak since he wasn't saying anything else.

I inhaled a deep breath. "I'm sorry for leaving...I guess I thought I knew what I wanted." I shrugged. "To be quite honest I left because I know it wouldn't hurt you." I mumbled.

He was quiet, and no nasty grin on his face. He looked me dead in the eyes and leaned closer to me. "Did it?" He said quietly.

I looked back at him. "...did it?"

He didn't say anything. He stood up with a grunt, grabbing my arms to stand me up. "Lets get you cleaned up." He said, helping me to the bathroom. I flinched when I went to walk with my leg. "Careful." He warned me, pushing me closer to him.

"I got it." I snapped back, feeling anger.

"Kit, I'm helping-"

"I. Got. It, Negan." I said through my teeth.

"Watch it, little girl." He snapped at me. "I'm going to have to put that mouth in check if you don't watch it."

"...I can take a shower on my own." I grumbled.

He let go of me, walking out. "You have fifteen minutes." He said, slamming the door.

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