Come Say Oi

1.7K 18 7

Hey guys, back from the dead again 😪

So, I thought since season 8 was coming about, I could start updating again. I realized I only really get motivated when a season of the walking dead is airing. Sooooooooo I guess it's just that time of the year 🤷🏼🤙so I'll be trying to update again.

I'm really focusing on trying to work on the climax now so I can then start to wined down this book and end it. I have a very good ending in mind, it will leave everyone very satisfied I believe. (hint: if you've been with me for a very long time, think back to Keep You Safe)😰

One this I would like to say is, we're almost to 50k on Redemption, and Salvation almost to 270k which are huge accomplishments for me. Thank you  thank you thank you. These books are my babies, you guys are my babies, and I am so happy to see how far this has gone. It's been over a year now and I seriously don't know what I did without this Fandom. My fave for sure okokok anyway 💁🏼

So, I would like some opinions. Once this book has come to an end *sniffles* I will be looking for some new "inspiration". What kind of shizzy would ya'll like? Another Negan book? Daryl? I was really thinking of still remaking Keep You Safe which is a Daryl fic. Or like, maybe something not twd. Just drop some thoughts.

Update coming soon, love ya'll ❤️🔥✌️

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