"Well isn't that a bitch." Negan sighed, looking at out block in the road.
Of all things to happen to us, there was a huge truck that was tipped over across the road, making it impossible to go this way. I stood by the truck while I watch Negan and a few of his men figuring out what to do. We only had am hour to go... such a shame.
I had a few thing going on in my mind at the moment. On top of what Dwight told me, and now I ran my mouth to Negan about it, probably got Dwight killed, and thinking about Alexandria. I was trying to think of a way I could-
"Walker!" A man yelled, pointing in my direction.
I threw a hand up, taking my knife out. "I got it!" I yelled, turning around to make my way over to it.
As I walked over to it, right when I raised my knife, I heard a crack, and felt that crack as well. Next thing I knew, I was laying in the grass, looking at my bleeding shoulder.
Negan's POV
"Shit, fuck!" I yelled when I saw Charles raise is gun and shoot Kit.
I ran over to where I saw her fall as fast as I could, falling to my knees where she was.
"Oh, god. Dammit, dammit, dammit." I mumbled to myself in panic as I ripped off her sweatshirt. She looked at me with wide eyes, breathing shakily, and started to cry. "Hey, no, no. None of that You'll be fine- you're fine." I said to her, looking down at the wound.
The walker was killed with another gun shot. That would be the second loud ass noise to attract walkers right to us. A few of my other men were standing around, just looking like they didn't know what the fuck do to.
"What the shit are you doing?! Go get the bandages and shit, for Christ sake!" I yelled, looking back down at Kit. Her cut wasn't that bad, the bullet just grazed her. But she could easily bleed out. "Kit, look at me, no fucking tears, alright? See? You're fine." I tried to keep her from freaking out...she liked to do that in these kinds of situations.
Dwight came back with a bag of shit... to be completely honest I didn't know exactly what to do. I grabbed a rag and held pressure to it for a few minutes while Dwight searched through it, pulling a few things out. While he did, Kit started to laugh softly.
"What? What the fuck are you laughing at?" I asked her, utterly confused.
She giggled a little. "W- we could really use a Mike right now, huh?" She whispered.
A few of my men chuckled. "Shut up..." I mumbled.
Dwight shoved on me a little bit. "I got this-"
"Whoa, whoa," I shoved him back. "You don't know what you're fucking doing."
"I know more than you sir." He mumbled back.
"I think-"
"Do you want her to die!? Because if so, please continue to fight me on this." Dwight snapped, looking at me. "I'll take care of her, I promise. I've had to do this plenty of other times."
I stepped back a little, watching what this fucker was doing very carefully. Once Kit wasn't so much in shock she watched as well. She was laughing and giggling through it all. I didn't say anything about it because it was a hell of a lot better than her crying.
"What's s damn funny?" I asked her.
She shook her head. "He tried to kill me. Now he's saving me." She laughed.
I shook my head. "Shut up, Kit." I sighed, patting her shoulder.
What felt like fucking forever, finally he got her patched up and he stood up. "She'll need stitches, but we can take care of that when we get back to camp-"
I stood up, swinging Lucille. "Like hell. We're not going back? We have business to attend to, remember?" I smiled at Dwight.
Dwight gave me a glare not made me laugh. "Negan, she's badly hurt. She needs to-"
"She will be fine. I am capable of taking care of her I think." I laughed.
Dwight looked at me for a moment, his face getting more shitty looking the longer I looked back. "Negan... She needs-"
"Don't fucking tell me what she needs!" I yelled, walking over to him, holding Lucille to his face. "We are going to fucking continue. You will find a fucking way around this. Do I make myself fucking clear?"
He just nodded, but that wasn't an answer to me. I put my hand behind my hear, waiting to hear what I wanted to hear.
"Yes, Negan." He said through clenched teeth, which made me chuckle.
I smiled, spinning on my heels to face my other men. "So! Anyone else have a problem with going on?!" Kit raised her hand from where she was still on the ground. "Anyone except for Kit?" I waited, and no one did. "Alright! Fan-fucking-tastic... lets get to it then, shall we?" I said.
They all went back to the trucks, so they could figure out what to do, while I went and had a chat with Charles.
He was walking when I came up and grabbed his shirt from behind, throwing him back enough to make him stumble. His gun flew out of his hand, and he looked up at me with total fear. Such a beautiful sight. It always brought a smile to my face to see people I hate scared.
"Hi." I smiled at him, walking over to where he was hallway stood up. I shoved Lucille on his shoulder, causing him to go to his knees. I nodded, looking down at him. "You're the fucker who went trigger crazy, if I am correct?"
He hesitated before nodding. "I-I didn't see her walking to it before I-"
"Oh, Charles, Charles, Charles...please...come up with a better excuse than that. I mean come on! The girl waved her arm in the air, and was right in damn sight!"
He looked down, and nodded.
I got closer, putting Lucille on his shoulder, causing him to look up. "Charles... Did you see her?" I said in a low tone. No reply. "Did. You. See. My girl, before you put your dirty fucking finger on the trigger?!" I yelled.
"Negan..." Kit scolded from where she was. I just ignored her.
He nodded. "I did..."
Before he could say anything else, his head was already mashed to nothing, and boiling on the hot ground.
God, these chapters are so boring, I'm sorry. It'll pick up soon, just stupid filler chapters that we all hate. Please vote, comment and follow. Thankies!

Redemption {Negan FanFic}
Fanfiction~Sequel to Salvation~ She ran away thinking home was somewhere else. She ran away knowing she loved him. She ran away feeling a connection lost. He watched her scream and cry for freedom. He watched her leave out of anger at himself for watching her...