"Who. Are. You?" He said in a low tone. Almost bone chilling, but only giving me goosebumps level, ya' know?
But I only looked at him. I pondered what I should say. I could come back with a smart remark like everyone is expecting, or I could give the obvious answer, or, I could say what he wants to hear. I had slim pickings for options, but instead, I said nothing.
"Fine... I'll ask again. Who are you?" He said, letting go of me. "Come on... spit it out. Say what Im waiting for."
I smiled, and leaned close to him. "I am Kit." I said, pecking his cheek, and stepping out of the truck.
Surprisingly, I didn't get the response from him that I was expecting. I was expecting yelling, screaming, fuck this, fuck that, ya know, the usual Negan language. But no. He simply got out of the truck, and grabbed his things, walking beside me.
"You did that to piss me off, and that's the only reason why I'm no getting pissed off." He sighed as we walked.
I paused to process that. "I don't understand?"
"I know how your mind works, Kitty. You think of some sassy remark to grind my gears, and to get me going, because you find enjoyment in some sick, womanly way out of me getting pissed... not this time." He said proudly... acting like he's so clever.
I shook my head. "You think you're so smart, huh?" I scoffed.
"No, no, ma'am. You think you are. I am." He snapped.
I laughed. "You're lame."
Negan left me in his bedroom for a while with someone outside the door to make sure I don't leave... just like old times. I read for a little bit, twiddle my thumbs. Then, Negan came back, with his pet behind him, Dwight.
"Dwight, this is Kittrina. Kittrina, this is Dwight." Negan said with sarcasm.
I rolled my eyes, saying nothing else.
"Since you've decided to stay here with us in this lovely place you call home now, you'll need a babysitter." Negan said.
"... and that wouldn't be the rat standing behind you, would it?" I said, pointing to Dwight.
Dwight glared at me. "Infact, it is! Ding, ding, ding, we've got a winner." Negan clapped his hands. "Im leaving for a week in two days, Dwight will look after you-"
I felt my stomach fall through my ass. "What?-" I started to say.
"No argument." He said, shoving a hand literally on my face. "Dwight, get out of my face." Negan said, walking into the room and slamming the door on Dwight.
I laughed.
"Negan, can we please talk about this?" I said, following him to the bed.
"No." He snapped.
"So, do you not remember that one time be tried to kill me? Why can't I just go with you to wherever you're going?" I complained.
"I just said we aren't fucking talking about it! Im going to another base far from here. You can stay like a good dog."
In my mind as a petty girl I took that as him calling a bitch... so no.
"What?! Then why can't I go?!-"
"You complain about the people here and how things are run, you would be pissing yourself when you got there. Its not as easy as things are here. Trust me."
".... I wanna go, Negan." I pouted.
"Kit-" He started.
"No! Please! I will die if you leave me here!" I yelled.
I jumped up and down. "Pleeeeaaaase!!"
"Jesus, fucking, Christ! Okay!"

Redemption {Negan FanFic}
Fanfiction~Sequel to Salvation~ She ran away thinking home was somewhere else. She ran away knowing she loved him. She ran away feeling a connection lost. He watched her scream and cry for freedom. He watched her leave out of anger at himself for watching her...