Chpt. 1 New Day

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Ready for a story that is probably gonna be deleted b/c of it being horrible? Same
I sadly do not own any of the LOZ characters, cause if I did, I wouldn't be here, I'd be up in Nintendo HQ playing the new game right now, 24/7
Yups........ Ok Cool beans let's get started!


H/n means horse name

"Good morning." I grumbled to myself as I got out of bed. Cracking open the shudders, I was met with dull rays of early sunlight made its way through the hazy mist of dawn. "It's time for work." I smiled bitterly. I loved work, and I hated work, it's a love-hate relationship really. But hey, money is money I guess.

I smacked my face a few times to wake myself up more before walking towards the wardrobe that sat across the cold one room home. Since I lived by myself, I didn't need a large house. Shivering alittle, I pulled on a simple black shirt and brown pants, along with a pair of worn down boots and gloves. After doing the normal morning routine- brushing hair, teeth, etcetera- I wrapped around me a belt that held two pouches, a weapon sheath, quiver, and a flask. Afterwards, I grabbed my trusty twin dagger and bow with arrows, along with my map and headed outside.

Once in the field not too far from my home, a saddle in hand, I took in my surroundings. I saw a few animals grazing in the forest that sat on one side of the pastures and in those pastures up to a dozen horses walking freely. The sun now visible, I whistled for my horse, H/n. While waiting for her, I set down the saddle and took out my map. Where to raid, where to raid...

Oh yeah, I'm a raider, where my job consists mostly of finding ruins of our old kingdom, and bringing back surviving artifacts to a small, hidden village that has a woman who always pays me well. Sadly, I never get to keep any extra money because the day I get the rupees, I spend them on food, water, and supplies for my other journeys through the ruins. Eh, it could be worse I guess.

Finally, I see a route that didn't seem to have been taken by me before. "There we go. Welp, time to do what I do everyday" I say to myself. In time, my trusty horse runs to me, still munching on a bit of grass." Hey girl." I pet her muzzle and she nickers.

I chuckle to myself alittle and grab the saddle along with other supplies. I then mount her, nearly falling off in the process. I make sure that her saddle bags that hold my treasures are secure and ride off to a place that I've never been to before- The Great Plateau.

Was it interesting? Bad? Love hate relationship? I would really appreciate it if you would give me any tips on writing, because I would like to improve as a writer. Also, is anybody else SUPER EXCITED for the new zelda, or is it just me? I am so obsessed with this game, already pre-ordered it. I draw quite a bit of it, and I'm not the best at drawing, but I have to say I'm pretty ok. One of my art books is filed with percabeth, zelink, telink, hicstrid, miraculous ladybug and cat boys' otp name, lukesse, and definitely peeniss. Lol weirdest name for it but, katniss and Peeta man, they are amazing. PEENISS FOREVA!!! Love yall guys for reading it if you did. have a good day, here are some blue cookies. Yaaay

Alright yall, this is how it's goin down. I'm rewriting my first few chapter because lemme just say, I had no idea what was happening during those times. I've also taken note on how people disliked the horse's name or color , so I have fixed that up to where you can choose her name, and while she is white right now, you can change her color later on in the stables. Love y'all, baii!

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