The shrine chpt. 15 remake

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Ahhh, it didn't load the chapter when I published it, so you got nothing but a picture and no words. I remade it, used copy and paste, it should work now sorry!

It turns out, the rock pedestal gave Link super powers.

Or at least, the slate.

We looked for a way down and attempted to move the suspicious looking doors on the floor, but they wouldn't budge.

I think Link even broke his back in the process.

He laid on his stomach groaning about pulling a muscle, and tried to rub his back. I ended up giving in and helping when he almost twisted his arm trying to do it, and I gave his lower back a massage with my right hand.

While doing that I sat cross-legged and rolled up my pants sleeve and checked my leg, and Link filed around with the slate trying to figure out what the weird symbol that showed up on the screen. It resembled a horse shoe, and was a vibrant red that's stood out from the dark blue. He soon pulled down his shirt from his neck and thanked me, then sat up next to me.

He played around with the slate a little more, then he stood up in frustration, failing to get the thing to work. I closed my eyes and waited, then I fell onto my back when I heard a loud mechanical whir and a yelp of surprise Link.

I looked up to see Link holding the slate and holding onto the metal door with a weird.. thing.

I honestly didn't even know how to describe it. It was like a rope of energy that wrapped around the door. Link took a deep breath and carefully moved his slate to the left, sending the door flying through the air. I ducked down on instinct, and Link laughed at the sight before him.

He could lift metal objects! "Hooollyyy crap this is so awesome!" He looked to me and we jumped up and stood side by side. He handed me the slate, and I went to grab it.

I held it, and felt a surge of power go through my body. "Oh my goodness, this is crazy!" It felt good, moving the door side to side, forwards and backwards. When I tilted right, the door followed me and it felt smooth how light it was in the air. I accidentally touched the screen in the process, and the energy rope dissipated, dropping the door to the ground.

I gave the slate back to Link and jumped down the hole the door covered, not even using the ladder. This was what I enjoyed doing when it came to my job - finding secrets.

Link soon caught up to me, and we came across a wall of loose blocks. In them, there was one that looked metallic, unlike the others made of rock. I pointed, and Link nodded, pushing the block forward.

The blocks fell, and revealed a smaller, less dangerous guardian on a bridge. It was quicker than the bigger ones though, and shot more lasers faster. In a panic to grab my arrows, Link just swing the block left and right, batting it around until it fell into the water below. I laughed and jumped down into the water.

It was only waist deep and clear, so it was fine to walk in. I grabbed the parts that were worth money from the tiny guardian.

"Evangeline, let's not take 5 years now, I'm ready to see what's going on behind those doors." I stuck my tongue out at him, bent over the machine.

"Go on ahead Mr. Impatient, I'll just keep this money for myself, get your own bed at a stable." He sighed, but smiled and stayed there until I was done.

"Okay I got it all." I went to grab the edge of the bridge and climb up, but the surface was incredibly slick - too slick for me to climb. I jumped and tried once more, but to no avail. I jumped again and tried to get a better grip, but before I could grab anything, a pair of arms caught my waist and pulled me up easily.

"I didn't need help." He scoffed and blew his bangs out of his face, saying "It looked to me like you did." He turned around and walked towards the door. "And a thanks would be nice. I saved you after all." He called.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh Goddesses, you're my hero!" I answered sarcastically. "What could you have possibly saved me from right there?" I jogged up to him and he looked at me, with a smirk.


I raised a finger and opened my mouth to argue, but nothing came. "Alright, you got me there."

He touched the 'magnesis' rune and pulled open the doors.

"Point to me!"

"Don't let it get to your head." I retorted, but smiled nonetheless.

When we stepped into the door, we were met with a blue transparent cage with a... person in it?

"The hell?" I whispered. Link simply shrugged, and carefully walked up to the cage. I stayed behind him to the right a bit, mostly because there was room for only one person on the steps to it. "Hello? Are you okay?" He asked, leaning in. There was no answer from it. He looked to me and I waved him on.

"Touch the box, he- it might wake up." He lifted a hand skittisly and barely touched it. As soon as his skin came into contact with it, the cage burst into thousands of pieces, but they didn't touch us, it was... energy. This is way too weird. The person thing inside of it moaned, seeming to wake up from the cage being broken.

"The trails you passed proves the spirit of a hero. I shall grant you this treasure."

Out of nowhere, a glowing orb came out from its body and flew to Link. He didn't move, but it was evident he was uncomfortable. The orb continued to fly towards Link until it dissolved into his chest. Link put a hand to where it went, seeming confused, and looked back to the ancient person. It was dissolving as well.

"May the goddess smile upon you..." and it disappeared.

Then, I felt an odd sensation. I raised my hand into my field of vison, and saw it was turning into strings of blue energy rising into the air.

"AH SHIT, WE'RE DISSOLVING TOO!!" I yelled, shaking my hand violently. Then, my whole vision was black...

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