Some fun chpt. 16

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Woot woot, chapter 16 in a special persons pov !! Alright, in case you have forgotten, (h/c) is hair color, (s/t) is skin tone, (e/c) is eye color, e cetera

A blinding light was all I saw and numbness was all I felt. I couldn't breathe. Blink. Anything. I didn't know if I'm dead or not, but if I am, it doesn't feel that bad.

The thought of death made me feel a surge of deja vu, but my thoughts were cut off when all of a sudden I gasped and shut my eyes.

The light vanished and my body was able to move. I opened my eyes and looked to my hand which was appearing from seemingly out of nowhere in front of me. When the lines of blue energy disappeared and my hand was left in it's place, I moved my fingers then jumped when I heard an unknown sound.

I turned to the noise and saw Evangeline materialize right in front of my eyes.

Her hair swirled in the current of energy and her beautiful skin had an ethereal glow to it. The energy left and she drew in a large breath as though she finally got to the surface of the water after a long swim.

She moved her leg in front of her and looked to me. Simultaneously, we burst into a laughing fit, our nerves probably over the edge.

Her laugh was a contagious one - if she laughed, you practically had no other choice than to laugh with her. A few minutes later, our laughing was cut off by the man.

How does he get here so fast?!

We spoke, him telling us that We still had three more of these shrines in the area before we could have the paraglider.

"Oh so now you want four of those orb things? You said for us to do this one and we're done!" Evangeline exclaimed, obviously agitated.

"That's cheating, I mean come on man, you said 'do this shrine and we'll get it, not four."

He shook his head. "I know I know, what I said. But this isn't just for me you know. You got something out of it as well, and there are more just like it waiting for you to access it." He shifted his gaze to me.

"You are part of a bigger picture here, and while you may not know it, but your friend here isn't even supposed to be here right now." He glanced at Evangeline.

"What do you mean I'm not supposed to be here? Sorry to break it to you old man, but this territory belongs to no one person, it's a free land open to all."

This escalated. I would rather go get the other three orbs real fast than be in the middle of this.

"Young lady, I'm not saying anything about this land. Go ahead and traverse it, steal it's relics along the way. What I'm saying is you're not supposed to be here with Link on his journey, so it's really just best if you be on your own wa-"

"To hell with that!" I interrupted, surprised at my own words as much as the other two were. But I continued "She, there, is my friend and is allowed to stick with me for as long as she wants. She isn't going to be left alone with an injury, no food, water and on an isolated plateau, hell no."

The old man quieted and stepped back one, and when I looked to the left for girl next to me, her jaw was agape and eyes wide.

To make my point clear, I grabbed her hand and glared at the old man in front of us. Her face flushed and she jumped a little but I didn't care, I needed to get my point across.

"Either she goes with me and we get this done for you, or she can leave and I won't be getting those orbs. That's final." I stated, straightening up and waiting for the answer.

The old man sighed, then chuckled. "You have fire, young one. Very well, if you must, go an ahead and let her accompany you on your travels. Just a hint of advise first: get on a high point and look through your slate to find the shrines in the area. When you see one, touch it on the screen and it'll pinpoint ot on the map. That is all."

He walked off back to his camp, and I sat there, still.

I was brought back by Evangeline squeezing my hand, and I looked to her. "Link... Thank you, for protecting me back there, it means a lot for someone who nobody cares about you know."

She let go of my hand and walked back to the tower, that was obviously a high point where we could see down.

Grinning, I ran towards the girl and when I caught up with her, I grabbed her hand in my own. "It shouldn't mean alot, and nobody does not care for you. I mean, I care." I said to her softly.

She lost her footing for a second, but gained her composure and looked down at our hands.

I waited, not sure what she was going to do and kinda scared at the things she could do, like slam me to the ground. Instead, I took in a deep steadying breath when she intertwined her fingers in my own.

She looked at me nervously, but smiled. " let's get to those other three shrines now, whaddya say?"

I let out a long whoop and she laughed, tugging my head to go forwards and I did.

I followed her, and I always will follow her where she goes, no matter the danger..

Yahya so much fun writing this! 😄 here y'all go peoples, a special chapter all because of a special friend!

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