Chapter 27

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Hahahah oh sHit! Bro i died!!

Ah no, in all reality and honesty I had a lOt of stuff going on... Foster homes, court cases, colleges, relationships, a bunch of stuff hehe... I truly am sorry for disappearing for so long, I actually tried to get back on for a month now but I just flat out forgot my password. I found it last night and got really emotional because as I read over everything and everyone's comments supporting me. I'm here now though, and I'm ready to start on trying to get this somewhere!

Lmao I dont even remember if I did this in first or second person butni really dont know if I want first person- any suggestions? I could fix them up either way

Most of the trip to the stables was uneventful- for me at least. Link was everywhere, scaling broken buildings, fighting monsters effortlessly, even simply rolling in the tall grass. He was genuinely enjoying what life had to offer, and he reminded me of a puppy. It made me feel funny, in a sad kind of way.

Oh how the terrors of this world has hardened me and anyone who's been out in the wilderness long enough to understand.

The simple innocence of his bright eyes taking in the landscape, hair golden streaks to compete with the sun itself. Lips pulled into a grin that I can't help but return, he runs up to me with clasped hands. I cock my head slightly to play into his excitement to show me what he had, and he leans in with a crinkled nose and a laugh caught in his throat.

Opening his hands, he reveals a summerwing butterfly sitting calmly in his palms, wings opening to show off beautiful colors. "That's amazing Link, aren't they gorgeous?" He can only nod, hair shaking about with how fervently he bounced. The insect fluttered its wings and was off, going into the endless field of grass and its colorful friends.

Link watches, not bothered with its sudden leave. He didn't watch long before he was off again, and I could only chuckle. The chuckle was short lived when he stopped dead in his tracks, and I saw he was staring at a bokoblin camp by the water shore.

He looked at me and came back to where I was behind the brush, bokoblins happily unaware and sitting at the fire. There was a chest sitting on a platform next to a lookout. Link sat next to me, looking ready to just jump out, but his eyes weren't even on the chest; but instead the meat hanging over the fire, roasting and smelling amazing.

Of course.

"Okay Link, since you're so excited to go out there, what's your battle plan?"

He glanced at me with a deadpanned face, and in a serious tone said "Well, I'm obviously gonna take this stick right here and go crazy. I'll snag one of their weapons at some point."

I laughed into my shoulder. "No- Link no you can't just go haywire on dangerous creatures. I'm proud of your enthusiasm, really. But what about the lookout up there? You'll get shot before you get one of their flabby clubs, so I want to hear a plan from you before you go out."

He flailed for a few seconds before he ripped the bow off my back, and I could only sit back and watch in surprise as he prepared a shot- with perfect posture I must add. I really wonder how amazing he'll be once he gains more control and memory and body strength over time.

He was clearly a great warrior some time ago,, considering his bare minimum instincts outrank most people I've met already.

Aim taken, he released a breath before letting the arrow loose, and the lookout was gone painlessly; a clean shot. Soundless and quick, none of the other bokoblins noticed their missing comrade.

Before I could tell Link that was an impressive shot he shouldered my bow and jumped out as quiet as he could and managed to grab a spear and shield before one of them noticed him and started a panic.

One of the bokoblins were weaponless and therefore was the easiest to take out, while the others proved harder. All with weapons in hand, Link took arms against the close range monsters, using the long spear as his advantage.

I was ready to sit back and watch from a safe distance; he needed the practice- but with everything going on Link didn't notice one of the bokoblins backed up from the combat and grabbed its dead counterpart's bow. Drawing aim, the blond's back turned and vulnerable, the monster was about to release the arrow.

That is, before I jumped in. A quick but bloody kill, I looted whatever I could after its body disappeared into a cloud of purple oblivion. Link had the rest covered, and he needed the experience.

I was right in the end; silence fell, only for birds to fill it in along with my friend's footsteps approaching you, breath shallow and dirt crunching.

"Thank you for that, I saw you take that thing down. I still have a good bit to learn." His voice was apologetic and slow.

I turn to him, still crouching. "Hey now don't sell yourself short, you still did amazing out there and you kicked some ass! You have some things you need to pick up but you'll get them along the way and you're not alone in this."

I stand and put a hand on his shoulder (I don't fail to notice the slight flush of his cheeks) and offer a reassuring smile- before I smack him on the back of the head

"Don't take my bow without my permission again though or you're in for an ass whooping yourself."

He lets out a hiss as I pull the weapon from around him, making sure to hit his head again with the riser of my bow as I lifted it. He complies though and lifts his arms for me, and as quick as it's off the bow is back around its owner with ease.

Soon after, we split- he was much more interested in the searing meat than the chest sitting on the raised platform. He asks for one of my daggers and I hand it to him before looking at the prize with my name on it. Eyes sparkling, I scramble up the ladder and open the chest with haste.


I groan and take the stone, trudging back down and throwing it in my bag. "At least it's money," I grumble to myself as I head back to where Link was sat and chowing down happily.

"Y/n you need to try this, for monsters they know how to cook."

Chuckling, I fold my legs under myself and settle beside him. He strips off some of the meat with my dagger (he better clean it too) and we both dissolve into a comfortable silence, fire crackling and water rushing by the shore.


About an hour later, the two of us are at the bridge of the Stables, and I can practically see Link's insides swirl and heart jump. He looks at me, and I look at him. It was a nonverbal agreement.

We both take off and run to the building, one excited to meet people and the other twisting with anxiousness to see her horse companion again.

Uh oh I haven't written in so long I hope this isnt shit in a barrel and readable!

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