Thoughts chpt. 7

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Link set me down by a tree out of sight of the man despite my begging to not leave me here. "May I?" He asked , his hand near my dagger sheath.

"Bring this one back at least." I joked, using my arms to push myself up against the tree then grabbing my dagger and handing it to him. As I gave him the weapon, our fingers brushed and I yanked my hand away slightly, not enough to startle him, but enough to put distance between our hands.

"I'm gonna go talk to that man and see if he's one of our allies or enemies, then find out if he'll house us  for the night. Be back soon." He said quietly and then walked off. I watched him leave, then lied my head against the trunk of the tree.

My thoughts wandered around many things.

How and when was I going to get home? Is Link coming with me to the nearest village and departing or will we continue venturing? What were we even doing right now, like, what is our goal?.....

what about Celeste, my only friend, not to mention the fact that she had a few things that I picked up from the journey here. And saddles are expensive.

Although I had so many thoughts, every one of them came back to me and Link's relationship. It's a friendly one of course, but for some reason, I find myself attracted to him. Not like a kissing kind of attraction, but the want to just be near him. He just has this aura around him that brings me in, and I hate it.

The life I was brought into has kept me from having the ability to drop everything for some lover. I have no want to have an important person in my life, whether a close friend or crush. They could get hurt somehow, so could I, I would rather leave the world with nobody having the care to know I was gone, and living with the guilt of them getting hurt over me.

So this attraction that I have towards Link is not only dangerous, but it's new and confusing to me as well - scary even.

I know, the fact that I face evil monsters every day doesn't make me budge but this new guy makes me want to explode is a funny way of showing my bravery. But this is something alot deeper than a heartless creature, this is another living being that has feelings too. I smacked myself lightly, then took my (h/c) hair down and brushed it with my fingers. After I was done, I looked at my thighs and missed the familiar and comforting weight of my daggers.

I had my bow attached to my back at least, and that made me feel more protected in my vulnerable state alone and immobile at the moment.

Speaking of, where is Link, and what Is taking so long?

I sneaked a look around the tree and barely saw the familiar figure of Link and the hunched silhouette of the old man talking together, but was too far for me to hear. Link had his hands on his hips and pointed in my direction, most likely mentioning how I'm hurt, and saw the old man nodding slightly.

Then Link walked up to the man, shook his hand, and turned towards me walking with a triumphant smile. I swirled back around and made sure I had everything accounted for, and I did. I soon heard Links footsteps and moved slightly to see him standing near me, his hand outstretched. I grabbed it with both my hands and used him as support to get up.

My legs were very weak, but I was at least able to stand a bit. "Still can't walk Lazypants?" I stuck my tongue out at him and he did the same. I have to admit, he can easily brighten someone's day if he wants to, even if it means taunting you.

"But seriously, can you walk?" I attempted a small step and found that I didn't fall completely to the ground, just wavered. "That's good news. You can't walk on your own, but no need to carry you, which is good cause you're wayyyyy heavy." He smirked at me and I slapped him. "Whaat, I'm just trying to be funny." He said in his defense. "Just put your arm around me, and I will support you." I complied, doing what he said and slowly but steadily made our way to the man's lean-to.

The sun was starting to go down past Mt. Lanayru, casting a large shadow over the shelter, a small fire creating a dim light inside it. I focused on the ground beneath my limping form, watching for any small holes or dips in the ground.

I stole a glance at Link, who was looking ahead of him, his eyes transfixed on the sky. I looked as well, letting myself be guided by Link, and saw why he was so focused on it.

There were beautiful shades of pinks and blues, with light swirls of yellow and purple spreading across the expanses, splotches of purple and dark green higher up near the deep blue. The clouds were blocking out some of the sun, but where there were small openings, rays of the sun filtered through, leaving a heavenly shower of dim light across the land.

We still have a good thirty or so minutes until dusk, I thought, smiling to myself a bit.

Soon enough we got to our destination, and I let Link help me sit down against the cold stone. Link sat down on the wall near me as well and addressed the man. "Thanks again, we really needed the help."

The elderly man laughed slightly and answered. "Anytime young one, I don't see many people out here anymore, it gets quite lonely and I could use the company."

Despite looking to be 70 or older, his voice was authorative and didn't waver, and seemed to be of good health. He then looked to me. "Link here has told me about you. What is your name, might I ask?" Like hell I was telling him.

But, I did tell Link though, and we barely knew each other, while this man knew about me. "Evangeline, is what you can call me."

He raised an eyebrow under his hood.

"What I can call you, huh? I suppose you have another name others address you by?"

My back stiffened, this man was all too aware, and knew I was lying about my true name, y/n.

I eyed him suspiciously saying "... Yeah, I have different names from different people, such as Eve, or none of your business." This man honestly gave me a chill down my spine, like he wasn't really the man he was set out to act like.

Link nudged me with his elbow, warning me about my manners. "It's fine young man," the man told Link. "I like her attitude, brings back older days of when I was like that as well." He had a twinkle in his eye,  and I unconsciously scooted closer to Link, my gaze not leaving the man.

"Good to know I amuse you, but I really must be getting my rest now, if you do not mind." I stated.

The elder nodded. "Of course you can, and Link, you may go retrieve what you are missing now if you want."

My expression faltered. Link is going to get something?

That means leaving me here with this man, only one dagger and two arrows left. I only took five because I recycle them after shooting what I  need to and use them again, and I only bring five out of my ten in case I lose the ones I brought.

I looked to Link with confusion, then remembered how he said he's was going to get something he forgot after he was sure I was safe. He smiled then smacked my good leg lighter and more gently this time and leaned in barely. "Keep an eye out in case. Don't get hurt, Lazypants." He whispered ever so slightly.

He stood and quirked his eyebrows before running into the sunset, back the way we came. What he was getting, I don't know. It could be something from the cavern or Chase, but I only hoped he would be back sooner than later.

My ears open and my senses alert, I closed my eyes even though I wanted to see the sunset.

It could wait though, I had other things to think about.

I is done yayyy! Ok so, BotW has been out only for a day, and I've played over 9 hours of it. In absolute love, the Switch is an amazing console/handheld in my opinion, very few framedrops and a great story to go along with great gameplay. I've been waiting way too long for this, and all my waiting has paid off and was worth it in all honesty. Plus lile 32 gaming companies and gaming critics gave it a 10/10, and 100/100. The lowest rating it got was a 94/100. The next chapter that I am making is not a part of this story here, but about the game itself and is about a spoiler of botw that I loved in particular, so if you don't wanna be spoiled, just skip the chapter that has the title "BOTW SPOILER ALERT!!". Should be pretty easy to see. Bai!. (Edit: I was checking out for errors, and now it it's the 5th, so it has been two days now.)

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