Well, this is new. chpt.4

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"Dont move."

I called out to the boy, trying to hide the uncertainty and wavering in my voice. Squaring my shoulders, I stepped out from my hiding spot and in front of him, dagger held firmly in my left hand. (She is (you are) ambidextrous, for writing purposes)

The boy jumped with a yelp, most likely not expecting to find a girl with a bloody forehead and dirty clothes standing there with a weapon pointed at him.

Neither of us moved, just stared at each other, taking in the others' features. I had to admit, he was good-looking. Like, really good-looking.

Interrupting my thoughts, the blond in front of me spoke up. "H-hey, I don't mean a-any harm! Can...you, er.. put that down? Like, away from my throat?" His voice was still raspy, but one could tell that he had a dulcet tone.

I had failed to notice that my dagger had gotten dangerously close to his skin, and I put my weapon back, although not away. "Sorry, you can't really trust anyone nowadays. Who are you? What are you doing here, and why are you naked in a cave?"

Shaking his head, he answered "I could ask you the same thing for myself. Were you the girl who called my name?"

I was going to say no, but I couldn't get the words out for some reason. Instead I just shook my head. He cocked his head to the side, and raised his eyebrows, clearly confused. Goddesses, he was cute, and that was dangerous. "Then who are you? Who was the girl who told me to wake up?"

I finally was able to speak again, so I answered, "I truly don't know, that's what I was trying to figure out. The voice was the thing that actually led me here." Then I thought of something. "Are you Link?" I asked. He sat in thought for a moment, which made me wonder if he was right in the head.

"Yes, I am. How did you know?" The boy, Link, inquired. "The voice said your name a few times- well, a few hundred times honestly." He seemed to calm down a bit, but was still tense, alert. I respected that. "Since you know my name it is only fair that I know yours."

Oh no. Do I tell him? Do I not tell him? I don't think I should trust him enough yet for that, it's not safe. Also, it's not fair at all. I didn't ask his name.

I lied.

"Evangeline" I held out my hand, waiting for him to take it. It sucked, but that's how it was, many people know me by that name, and few actually know the truth.

He hesitated, staring at my hand with uncertainty, but then took it. Soft. Stop.

"Link. Buuut, you already knew that I guess" He chuckled. I smiled a little, but then I thought.

What am I supposed to do with him? Does this cave belong to him, because I really need to bring back something to live off of till my next raid.

I scratched the back of my neck and said shyly, "You don't happen to own any of this stuff do you?" He looked around, and then concluded, "I don't know. You were here first weren't you? Shouldn't it be your's?"

"About that... I'm just a raider, none of the things I sell are mine. Same with everything in here. But usually I sell the things that only dead people used to own. You're pretty alive if you ask me." I motioned my hands to the items surrounding us for effect.

Link looked around, then turned to me. "Do you know why and how I got here? I don't remember anything." I looked at him, shocked. "Anything?" "Absolutely nothing." He answered. "You remembered how to speak and walk, though. Especially breathe." I joked. He turned to me, not amused. I cleared my throat, starting to take this more seriously.

"Why don't we just search around and see if anything triggers your memory?" I proposed. He thought it over then said," Yeah, why not?"

We nodded then started checking the room. Link and I decided to look through the chests first, since they're chests. When he went to open one, he couldnt get it to budge. Link grew impatient after a while of trying to un-jam it, and he kicked it, stubbing his toe in the process. I laughed quietly to myself as he sat down, massaging his foot. The chest cracked open a bit, giving me a chance to pry it with my dagger. "Good job Link, It looks like you didnt jam your toe in vain."

I opened it, but instead of finding a treasure, I found a shirt. A gross one at that. "Sweet." Link said, somehow getting up and coming to me without me hearing him. He grabbed the shirt and put it on. In my opinion though, he could've gone just fine without one. I sighed, shaking off my thoughts, then went to the next one while Link struggled to put on the small shirt.

When I opened the next chest, I was disappointed to see that there were pants in there. If I find clothes that fit a twelve year old one more time, Im just gonna leave this cave.

Then I remembered; what about Chase?! It could still be out there! I groaned. I guess Ill figure it out later. Link came to stand behind me, with a shirt way too small, riding up on his stomach. I chuckled, it's funny seeing him trying to move in it.

"Link?" I said as he squatted down beside me. "Evangeline?" he mocked in a higher tone. That was gonna take some getting used to - even after years of using my mother's name instead of my own for security never made me get used to it. But I can't trust him enough yet, so my real name can wait, if ever it comes to that point.

I punched him lightly for mocking me "You can take off the shirt if you need to you know. It's not like you have breasts to hide." He got back to his position, then sighed a breath of releif, about to take it off. But he stopped, then looked at me critically. "How do you know I don't have breasts?" he joked. I tried not to laugh.

"Because you are a guy, and guys dont have those." I answered, "Anymore stupid questions?"

He rolled his eyes, "How do you know I'm a guy?" I copied his gesture . "Because you look like a guy, so you are most likely a guy!" He gasped then leaned back.

"Did you just assume my gender?" he asked sarcastically while smirking.

Me and him laughed for a bit while ransacking the place. This guy was pretty cool and fun to talk to, I could admit. As cut off as I am from a lot of society -mostly women- one would think I have a cold soul and bad communication skills. Quite the opposite, my skills were needed for getting the best price out of goods and getting inside information to places.

He and I were talking quietly when I remembered the glowing box that was attached to his new pants.

" What is that?" I asked him, curious. He looked down. "Pants?" I rolled my eyes then pointed, "No. That." He smiled, "Oh, that is a Shekiah Slate. The voice told me to grab it." I nodded along, although still confused as to what it was.

Lukily, I knew someone who would.

"Who is that voice anyways?" I inquired as he shrugged, then added, "We'll find out soon hopefully."


ok, there's ur chapter. I was busy today so I was on and off of this page, And to add that my 'smart'phone is not living up to it's name and being retarded. ANYWays, if there are any errors, its because if my sorry excuse for a phone lol. Ill be getting one later on this month. OMG, also, i just watched thr movie trolls today, and I fell in love with it. SOoo cute, and branch and poppy are too cute together! Now im probably gonna watch it a bunch for the next week or two until i become sick of it. JK, ill never get sick of that movie. Me and Banch relate too much. K bai!!

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