Chpt. 8 funny feelings

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I touched my left leg, feeling if it was still bleeding. With it being a clean laser, it didn't bleed as much as it would a sword going through that deep, but it bled bad nonetheless.

"Want me to fix that for you?" My neck snapped up to the old man, who's name I did not know. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, your leg. Would you like me to help cauterize the wound for you? It would prevent infection and very much help the bleeding, it'll hurt for a bit, burn really. It will be worth it in the end."

I sat for a moment, and thought of outcomes to me saying yes.

"Yeah sure" and he grabs a hot iron and puts it on my face since I don't trust him. Or,   "Yeah sure" and he actually does a good job on it and my leg will be better by the time I wake up and ready to go without worry of getting infected. Let's go with number one for now, in case.

"No thank you, not right now at least. I'll think on it though."

He nodded.

"I understand you do not trust me. I suspect you want that young man to be here when it happens?" A little too quickly, I answered defensively "What do you mean by that?!"

"Hoho, I'm pulling your leg dear, but I assume you trust him more than me, no?"

Slowly, I nodded my head and relaxed, more than I was able to three hours ago.

Where the hell is Link, he's been gone for two and a half hours! I swear if he got hurt and I have to stand up and go get him, I will kill him personally then blame it on a bokoblin. I thought.

Snap. My muscles tensed and my hand slipped to my dagger by instinct. My hand quickly gripped the handle as a figure walked towards us and just as quickly loosened as I saw it was Link.

He rapped his fingers against the rock  and stepped inside the hangover, arms full of things he was supposed to retrieve, whatever they were.

"Hope y'all didn't miss me too bad." As he set them down and spread them out, I realized they were my three missing arrows, my second dagger, some gaurdian parts as I could guess, and a stack of meat and apples, along with three fish.

"The. Apples. Are. Mine. Deal? Cool."

Link said in a jokingly way, but serious about his apples. He grabbed all ten of them but two, and stuck seven in his bag. Where the hell did he get that anyways?

"Good job Link, I suppose you made use of those arrows for the food?" He gave The old man a thumbs up, his mouth full from an apple.

"How would you use an arrow? You don't have a bo-" Link turned his back to me, letting me see a crude makeshift bow made from a birch sapling and the vine that he used to attach my dagger and the stick. He turned around and cocked his eyebrows, seeming to ask me 'how did I do?' Or 'im good, huh?'.

I'll probably never know.

"Thank you Link, for getting my weapons back, they're important to me; my way of living, actually."

I put a hand on his shoulder, and he genuinely smiled at me. I'll be sure to get him to do that again later.


About half an hour later, there was a nice meal of meat and fish skewered on a stick with the crushed soft inside of a baked apple applied on the sides to add flavor. It was heavenly, might I add.

"You can cook, Link!" I bit into the steak, the juices of it and the apple rolling down my chin. He swallowed "apparently, from the way y'all are tearing it up?" He retorted and cocked his head towards my chin.

I rubbed my sleeve across the trail of goodness and looked away. "Oh shut up."

"Ooooooohhh is somebody jealous because they ain't a natural chef like muah?"

I grabbed a stray uncooked apple and chucked it at him, but he caught it. While still looking at his own food.

"H-how did yo-"

"You're Evangeline. You don't got a good verbal comeback, you convert to a physical comeback. I've learned from you, gotta keep my instincts up. Even over my precious food."

I took a chunk of fish off my skewer and threw that at him, that one he wasn't able to catch, as it latched itself into his blond locks.

His mouth dropped.

"Ohohohoooo, you did not mess the the hair!" 

He grabbed a baked apple and threw it at my arm, the delicate skin breaking and the insides, splattering across my sleeve. "You're getting it!"

After that was total hell, food was everywhere on our side of the cave, not to mention our bodies, while the man seemed to not even be there, besides the occasional laugh from our antics.

It ended with all of us laughing and scrapping food off of our clothes, except the man of course. We made a silent agreement not to hit our host.

"We will clean this in the morning, I'm sorry." I said to said man.

"It's fine, you two are still young, have fun while you can. Tomorrow, I have a request for you two, Link especially. Evangeline, you don't have to accompany him, but you may of you are up for it. Speaking of that request, how about we get to your leg?"

My skin paled. I've never liked being too close to the fire -much less having physical contact with it- said element being the cause of death for my parents, but my fear had to be dropped for the betterment of my leg.

I nodded as Link looked between the two of us confused. "Huh?"

I sighed, then said. "He's going to cauterize my wound," Link winced

"Would you hold me down please?"

"Of course."

I turned onto my stomach and lied down so they could get access to my left calf. Link took the turquinette off carefully then sat on my feet so I could move my legs.

"Hold onto something, Evangeline." Link demanded. I took his bag full of apples and stuck one in my mouth then held onto the bag.

It smelled like him, pine woods and sweat, which was suprisingly comforting. I turned my head only to see the man holding the end of his walking staff (can we say it is made of steel, not wood? Thanks u) in the fire, about to bring it here.

I then saw Link's eyes out of the corner of my own and he gave me a reassuring smile to calm me. It worked, if barely.

"On three Evangeline, okay?" The old man asked calmly.

I nodded, not wanting to talk, also having an apple in my mouth. Link spoke up.

"One," I gripped the bag,

"Two" I felt a burning sensation start on my leg and pass through my body, even my vision.

I've been through some really tough and painful things, but this topped them all. I bit down so hard on the apple not to scream that a hunk of it broke off into my mouth and the fruit rolled across the floor.

I saw red splotches, Link's face, then, simply, nothing.

Here is a chapter,  put it together at 9:25, and enjoyed writing it, like every other chapter. I see why some people like to write their own stories, even if some people don't like it. It let's you fall from our world to just yours. Anyways, sorry for posting two in one day, I had nothing to do really, and I needed some Zelda in my life to sustain me for the day. Anyways, spring break is now up, so I think I may maybe alot more active, now that I don't have to worry about math. Ugh. Have a good day tomorrow guys and band together to take down algebra, algebra 2, calculus, trigonometry, and geometry!!!! 

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