chpt. 14 Oman Au

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AHHH TESTS ARE OVER!!!!!😂🙏 sorry if this is alittle short, I'm just getting back into writing again, my brains been doin more work than its cut out for :{ . Thanks for being so patient, and here's your chapter!

We were now on our way towards the place we are going to- a shrine.

Me and Link kept small conversations going while walking there, and Link met his first bokoblin.

I took two out easily, one with a dagger and one with a sneak strike using an arrow. It was an archer, and we didn't want to get shot at while dealing with others.

Link surprisingly had a talent with using an axe and took the last two out almost as easily as me.

I watched in amusement as he got accustomed to holding and using it, and it was quite funny seeing how hard he was trying. Then bam, he got good at it suddenly. He sliced one in half as it was coming at him.

Next he let go of his body weight then spun around, letting the axe have pull on him. It hit the remaining two bokoblins and while that didn't kill them, the giant smash to the ground with the axe surely did, sending them into the air from the heavy impact.

He kneeled down and carefully pried the axe blade out of the dirt, it was in there deep, and then watched as the monsters turned into a cloud of purple and black smoke, much like the beast surrounding the castle. I faced Link, who was slightly panting and grinning.

"That... was awesome!" He exclaimed, straightening up and slinging the axe over his back.

I nodded, feeling proud for some odd reason. Maybe because it gave me the satisfaction of the memory where I first killed something during a hunt with my daggers.

I was 8 and we were getting a deer when a chu chu attacked us. I was able to kill it, and my dad was very proud, always boasting 'your son got a rabbit? My daughter got a monster.' And would always carry around a packet of the chu chu jelly. 'My little baby, off to destroy monsters.' And then one year later, they disappeared

"Evangeline? Are you okay, you look upset." I shook my head, going back to the present. "Huh? Oh, yeah I'm fine, just thinking is all."

He looked at me a while longer before shrugging and grabbing extra loots.

I went around in the area, picking up useful or valuable items and even found a treasure chest on top of a watchtower. It held opal. 60 rupees I noted mentally. Yep, keeping this for sure.

After scrounging the place, Link and I headed towards the shrine again, which wasn't very far. Soon enough, we made it to said shrine and pondered how to get in.

We agree to split and look for a way inside. We saw a pedestal much like before, but didn't want to be nearly killed again so we looked more for a different entry way. After seeing that there was no other way in, we decided to use the slate and then run back. I stayed behind on the grass as Link held up the slate, scanned it, then bolted off the platform.

We ducked down into the grass and waited, but it only glowed blue and a door opened. 'Sheikah Slate identified.' We looked to each other, and walked into the entrance of the shrine. When we stood on a large circle, it lit up and cascaded downwards.

It caught me off guard, but Link grabbed my arm before I fell, saving me. I thanked him and straightened back up, waiting for us to stop going downwards.

Link and I stared at our surroundings and I watched as he laid his left hand on the wall, feeling it's texture and letting it be dragged as we moved. Soon enough, we were blinded by artificial lights and stone floors.

We slowly stepped off the platform and took up a defense position as a low voice spoke out to us much like the girl.

"In the name of the goddess Hylia, I present to you the Oman Au shrine."

I looked to Link, and he shrugged before letting his gaze fall onto  another pedestal, but with the same stone above it like the one on the tower. That means we're getting something. Probably not a map though, because the towers were each in a different region that's unknown to the slate,and the shrines are in the area, but it is all just a guess.

"Welp, we better figure out what this treasure is, this place gives me the creeps... and I'm used to creepy places, it's my job."

Link nodded but didn't look at me, for he was too busy walking around the whole place, taking in everything.

He could be a good treasure hunter. After all, he knows the first rule.

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