Our Meeting chpt. 3

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Finished my math homework yasss!!! Today I was visiting some family for thanksgiving. I just got home, and I got bored so I decided to make another chapter today. Btw, this video got uploaded about three or four days ago I think, and I absolutely loved it. There is another one that I found the other day, and I pretty much died of sadness because of it, I'll put that one on next chapter, and y'all can see it then too. This one is a short by EmberLab and I would pay money for them to make this into a full blown movie. Ok, I'm taking too long and I'm very sore today for some reason so I should hurry up and start this.

((Yoink, another chapter revised! Hope it was better than before 😂))

I dropped a pot that I was picking through, and the footsteps stopped. I ran behind a few of the barrels in the room. Sitting there for a minute, I was afraid to let whoever they are know that I was here. Curiosity getting the best of me, I risked a look out to where the door stood before me.

Squinting, I noticed that the door was now open, revealing an equally dark room, the only light source being the glowing paintings on the walls. Now that I think about it, this reminds me alot of the guardians and divine beasts out there. Is this the same technology?

I shook my head, focusing on any movement that I could see. Then I saw it, a silhouette of a person, something glowing by their hips, showing only the outline of their body.

Immediately, my hands went to the daggers secured around my waist, ready to defend myself if needed. Who knows, they could be dangerous. I watched from my hiding spot as they trudged forward, their figure becoming more clear.

They was a he.

A half-naked he who looked as though he was lost, eyes taking in his surroundings. He took a few more steps in my direction, stumbling over his own feet.

The more I observed him, the more I noticed that he was different-looking from alot of the men that I had met. He seemed to be my age, maybe a year older, with golden shoulder-length hair that was tied back, tan skin ridden with many scars, and bright blue eyes that stood out in the dimly lit cavern.

"W-where am I?" His voice was barely above above a rasp, meaning he hadn't used his voice in a while, or he was thirsty. He coughed, holding his throat for a second, and meanwhile I was pondering what to do.

Stay here and wait until he either finds me or just walks out? Attack him? Greet him, ask him what he was doing half-naked inside a technologically advanced cave?

Knowing I had to do something regardless, I took a deep breath and decided what I was going to do.

((Aight, here it is, nice and repolished! Thanks for reading~))

Ok sorry that this was short, but my neck is killing me and I cannot find any Tylenol or ibeprofin so yay, but uh, I'll update later on today bc my mom is going to go to the store later and I'll get her to get me some Tylenol for me. K see y'all later have a good day.

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