Chpt. 23 I....Okay

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Owowowoow, I am SO sorry for being gone so long. I feel like an asshole really. BUT, YOU'VE BEEN PATIENT AND KIND, YOU ALL DESERVE A CHAPTERRR!!!!

Your pov.

Okay. This is fine. You just admitted your stupid feelings to a guy you hardly know. That's all. Yeah. It's fine. It's FINE. IT'S FINE.

My left brain battled with my right brain as they each tried to convince me onto their side. I mean, he did admit them back to you, so it can't be that bad.

I looked back up to the blond in the tree, and immediately regret it. He's looking straight at me, his beautiful features shaped into a shocked and flustered expression.

My cheeks turn more red than they probably already are, and I take a deep breath as Link begins talking.

"Okay... s-so, we kinda like each other... Is this going to mess things up or?" He paused to run a hand through his hair and started bunching his words together. "Cause we're great partners andIdon'twantthingstoberuinedand-"
"Woah woah, calm down Link. It'll be okay... For now, let's just... keep the feelings down, cause we have more important things to attend to. We'll, uh, figure this out later?"

The teen -well, theoretically a teen- nodded slowly, golden bangs hanging in front of his face to where you could barely see his face, before looking down to me, face red. "Should I just do this shrine on my own, give us some time to think about t-this?"

Yes please, give me alone time to scream in both giddiness and agitation.

"I... Uh yeah, I think we could use some time to think. I'll... see you soon?" Link's nervous frown turned into a ghost of a smile and he nodded his head before jumping off of the tree and started walking towards the shrine.

"Y-yeah, I'll meet you here in half an hour."

As soon as the blond was out of sight and earshot, I let out a large breath that I didn't know I was holding in and climbed the tree he was in. Time to recollect myself.

So... I like him. I honestly do. And now, I know he likes me. And, things are now awkward. This is fine, this is great! Now all I have to do is explain to my parents' gravestones why I broke nearly all their rules, along with my stupid feelings getting in the way of my job and Link's mission!

I lied back onto the bark of the tree, letting out an exasperated sigh and tried to let my body cool down a few degrees.

Welp, you got yourself into it now Y/n, you got yourself into a relationship with a century-old teenager who acts like he's seven. Wonderous.

I scanned the area around me before catching glimpse of my shirt hanging on a branch not far from me. The shirt he smelled. I looked towards the one I currently had on, Link's, and picked off a loose strand along with some dirt. Then I probably did the most embarrassing thing I could've done- I took a whiff of the clothing.

..... It smelled.. honestly not bad. It had a musty scent to it- most likely because it was collecting dust for a hundred years- and apples.

It also had a hint of the evergreen pines that he decided to try and climb up on the mountain, in it which he made it to the top before he became too heavy and it snapped, dropping a scared blond into the snow. He ended up keeping the branch for a few hours before breaking it on a chuchu.

I laughed at the memory of it, not realizing that I'm drifting off. Damn I'm tired. I let my eyelids flutter and almost immediately fell asleep when my eyelashes touched my face.

Half an hour laterrrrrr *brought to u by: lazy person*

"Y/n, seriously, get up before I throw you in the water." The teen's dulcet voice got louder each time he failed to wake me up. Well, I am awake, I just honestly don't feel like getting up. Tired from the walk, and tired from today's situation, I let my eyes close agai-

"Get UP!!" Link growled playfully, grabbing me by my right boot and pulling me from the tree I was resting in. Right before I fell to the ground, the jerk who pulled me out caught me with both arms.

"Glad I caught you, eh?" Link smirked, white teeth flashing mischievously. I punched him in the arm, my face already reddening. He slowly set me down, feet first, and held out his hand. I eyed him weirdly.


He chuckled lightly, and pointed to his shirt with his head. "Could I please have my shirt back please? It seems you have your own, and it should be dry by now." He motioned to my now dry shirt hanging on the branch where we left it.

I smacked his hand away and made a circle motion with my index finger. "Turn around."

He lifted his head slightly, turning around slowly and standing in place. I shook my head, and quickly pulled off my- his shirt from my torso, tossing it over onto Link's golden locks. He grabbed it from the front and dragged it down his face before sliding it on over his own torso. Despite my mind yelling at me to hurry up and get my own shirt on, I couldn't help but to just stand and stare as his shoulder and back muscles shifted underneath his tanned skin, before the cloth covered it from sight.

Turn around, you pervert. I sighed through my nose, before stepping over tree roots to grab my damp shirt and brought it over my bindings, bringing it down to my waist. I straightened my shirt- and my thoughts- before walking over to Link, who had his back turned and eyes closed. While it would be a good opportunity to take in his features for the upteenth time, I decide against it and tap his shoulder.

"Ready to go?" I asked him, who turned his electric blue eyes to me. A smile tugged at his lips, which turned into a grin. "Just one left. Then I can see the world again. Better yet with you."

My heart stopped. He is excited to experience Hyrule, but he wants me to be part of his experiences. If one thought about it, that's the highest honor- someone wanting you to be there as they get to relive their life. They want you to be part of their life.

He wants me to be a part of his life.

My stomach fluttered as I returned his genuine smile to which he pit a hand on my shoulder while walking past me before I turned to catch up with him, smiling the whole time.

I'm breaking my rules. I know I am but right now I don't know if I care or not. This situation is perfect, he's perfect, this whole adventure was perfect. There's a few bumps, but doesn't everything else in this world?

Link and I fell into step, along with a comfortable silence. As we walked towards our last shrine, I took a moment to drink in our surroundings. I looked up at the soon-to-be-setting sun, and squinting in the sunlight, breathed in the long grass, noticing how each blade sported the most beautiful of greens that wrestled together in the wind.

The peaceful moment didn't last for long though, because of course the blond moron next to me had to start running his beautiful mouth.

"Y'know, I knew you'd eventually fall for me, all the girls I've met have." He straightened his axe behind him, a cocky but playful smile. I rolled my eyes at him.

"I'm the only girl you've met Link."

His smile turned into a sly smirk as he looked down to me. "Then so far I'm correct."

He did not. I want to answer back with a snide comment, but I was impressed with how he caught me on that. "Okay fine, you won that one." I heard him chuckle, but I wasn't looking at him because I'm too busy feigning pouting.

"Three to one, better step up your game. Y/n"

I saw in my peripheral as he strides ahead of me to pick an apple from a nearby tree, nearly laughing as he struggled on his tippy toes to get the lowest branch.

Maybe it's not so bad to break your own rules.

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