Chpt.22 Did you just...smell my shirt?

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WELP It was a friend of mine's birthday a bit ago, and since I wasn't able to be there, I dedicate this chapter to her, from a special POV. ENJOYYYY ( sorry I disappeared for so long, it was hectic. Just had surgery a little bit ago, my phone broke, and all that shite) ENJOYYYY

Also! Sorry I'm probably killing you guys XD, but I got a request to try out paragraphs instead of just one big lump of words. I'm going to try it out, for the sake of just... trying something new, but I'm not experienced in where I should put spaces and all, so bear with me and tell me what you think of it!

I sighed as my eyes followed the girl's smaller frame pushing through the brush ahead of me. Her hair fluttered in the cooling breeze, causing a flutter of my own hair....and somewhere else in my chest.

What is wrong with me, this should be the least of my problems, yet here I am worrying more about her than the rest of the country....

I shook my head in disappointment, causing some locks to fall from my tie. I rolled my eyes at myself before fixing the tie binding my hair. "Were already close to the first shrine, Link. Damn, we made good time today, we still have at least another ten hours of daylight!"

I glanced up to her, smiling at her giddiness for adventure. "I'm sure this situation is the light of your life, Y/n." She groaned, dropping her head low before mumbling, "Oh my Gods please shut up Link." But Y/n still giggled in between her words, making me chuckle before running up next to her.

"Come on. I'll race ya?" I inquired, looking at her for an answer.

Nothing was said between us as her hair suddenly smacked my face and she was a blur from running so fast. I laughed, calling out to her while breaking into a sprint. "That was cheating!" She chuckled and turned to me while still running, trying to show off.

"What're you talking about, I counted to three! In my mind!" She pointed to her head, (OH MY GOD GUYS I FORGOT THERE WE'RE TWO SHRINES IN THE MOUNTAIN AREA IM SO DUMMMBBBBBMBMBM. LETS......just assume there's another shrine on the lower level, like the Ja Baig shrine. To hell with it, it's gonna be in a wetland)
But not before her face turned from happiness to horror and she tripped on a tree root that was sticking out into the air, falling into a large patch of shallow water.

"Dammit, this is amazing. Now my clothes are soaked."

I laughed, maybe alittle too hard, and held my finger in front of her face. "Water you doing down there? But seriously, you can just use my shirt, I don't really need one." She sighed and grabbed onto my wrist, pulling herself up while I held steady. She pulled at the fabric of her pants.

"What about these, though?" I looked at her pants, and immediately turned my gaze from her, running a hand through my hair. The cloth clung to her curves alittle too well. "I - erm, can't help you with that, gotta suck it up I guess." She growled, looking at her legs. "I shoulda paid more attention, now I get to deal with this. But, thanks for at least letting me use your shirt. Speaking of... can, I have it now?"

I jumped, then nodded quickly as I stripped it off of my torso and turned it right-side-in before handing it to her and turning around.

I heard her say 'thank you' as I sat down on the root she tripped over. I didn't move, at least, not until I heard her ask me a question. "What should I do with this shirt?" I turned to her and as soon as I did, she pushed a hand in my vision. "What the hell, why are you looking?!" I didn't know what to do besides defend myself. "Well first, usually when you talk again, it means you're done, and second, it's not like I haven't seen you in your bindings before anyways!"

She was about to answer back, but she sighed and took her hand down before shoving her wet shirt in my face. "Can you find something to do with this for now? We're not far from the shrine so we can wait, or you can go and head and do it while I wait over here."

I nodded, not really answering her, before taking her shirt and walking off, wringing out the excess water. I looked back to her, where she finished putting my shirt on and wringing her own hair out. I sighed, and looked back to the wet one, before flapping it in the wind to dry in alittle faster.

In the process, I caught a smell of her shirt, and involuntarily brought it in closer to to my face. Mint and sweat. Two very different scents. Why am I smelling things? Her shirt of all things?!

I immediately draw it from near me and hang it onto a tree branch close by, heading towards another tree and perching myself in it.

When I slumped back down onto the bark, I finally noticed that... oh my gods. Y/n, she's staring at me. Oh crap, I'm staring at her too. Ooohhhohooh my gods what do I do?!

"Ehhhhh... are we just gonna stare at each other orrr~" She interrupted my sentence with the scariest question I've ever heard.

"Did you just... smell my shirt?"

Ohhhohohoollly shhhhh-

"Yes." I blurted without thinking. After I said that, I then started thinking. Mostly about how stupid I am. I shrunk into myself, feeling especially vulnerable without my shirt. Especially vulnerable with her in said shirt. ESPECIALLY vulnerable with her wearing soaked, clinging pants that easily showed off her....

"Why?" She asked, cocked her head to the side, seemingly shrinking into herself as well. Oh, that's great, now I'm a weirdo who smells a girl's shirt and gawks at her butt. I said nothing, and instead looked to my hands, which were seeming to have fun ripping off each other's fingernails.

When Y/n figured I wouldn't ever answer, she answered for herself. She drew in a deep breath, and asked it. The question both of us were dreading.

" like me?"

Even though I anticipated the question, I still slipped on seemingly nothing but my own fear and embarrassment. I, however, composed myself and looked to her shyly.

"Ehhhhh....... would it be.... wierd if... I... said... yes?" We gazed at each other for what seemed like the longest time, just staring at the others eyes. Her, my boring and dull blue ones, and I, her gorgeous (e/c) ones. She looked as though she was about to bust into pieces, and probably, so did I.

Then she said something. Something crazy.

"No.... not since I do too."

HOOOOOOOOHOHOHOHOHPOHOOHOHOOHOHOHO FINALLY I DID IT!, BOUT DANG TIME JAR-JAR (a name of mine a friend uses, since it's my username initials)

Dude I had so much fun writing this, I may or may not have been fangirling the whole time while filling this out. Anyways, enjoy this chapter, leave a vote/comment, for I am merely a tired person, and see you next chapter!

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