Watch it. chpt.6

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I winced as Link wrapped the shirt around my leg and stared as he grabbed a stick and intertwined it in the shirt, making a tourniquet.

"I didn't know you knew this stuff, with you remembering nothing and all." He looked through his lashes while continuing to tie it and stop the bleeding.

"I don't know, but all this stuff is just coming to me out of nowhere. Like I don't know I can do something, but when the time comes, I apparently do. It's hard to explain really, just like an instinct."

I nodded, not wanting to get into a discussion on it. "AHH damn!" He jumped back and lifted his hands in the air. "Sorry, sorry! Your leg isn't looking too good, I had to keep it from bleeding"

"I know you were, it just hurts bad is all. Try to put a little more pressure on it please." He gave me a shy smile and said "can do,"
while returning to my leg.

I sat there like that waiting for the wound to heal a bit, Link holding my leg in both hands and looking at the dead guardian.

"I remember you," He said quietly to himself. I didn't question him though, I had to save my energy and he needed to try and reminisce what happened before he went to sleep so he can try to remember.

His hair fluttered lightly in the autumn wind and his breathing was evened out, showing that he was calm. His relaxed atmosphere calmed me as well, and soon the pain in my leg was only a dull throb.

I looked off to the sky and stared at the bird that flew in the distance, always moving machine. I let my eyes fall for a moment and when I opened them and looked back down, Link was looking at me.

"How's your leg?" I sighed then breathed "It's perfect, the hole through my calf is very comfortable." "Good, because we still have to go meet that man we saw earlier" He smirked and slapped my other leg playfully, making me think he hit my hurt one. I lifted my good leg and hit him in the stomach. He went oof and fell to the ground, chuckling. "What's a guy get for lightening the moment?"

"A foot to the stomach apparently. Get it together, Link." 

I laughed a little. He stood up then offered his hands. I gladly took them and tried not to notice how soft his hands are and how warm they were against my own cold ones. He helped me stand up and let me go to see if I could walk.

"Go ahead and try. If you cant, I'll just carry you." "Fine- wait, carry?" I asked. "Uh, yeah. That's what I said isn't it?" He teased, and I shrugged like I didn't know, "I'm not following." He sighed. "Just take a step will you?" "Jeeze okay, grumpy head." I quizzically took a step with my left/bad leg, and immediately I felt myself go downwards when my knee buckled.

I tensed to get ready and fall, but I instead felt my frame wrapped against a warm chest and pair of arms. I tried not to look at him because my face felt as hot as Death Mountain against my best efforts, and mumbled a thanks.

Instead of letting me try again, he slumped to the ground with me still in his arms and he sat there for a moment. I stared, wondering what he was doing. "Well, you gonna get on my back or...?" I realized he was trying to carry me and I was just sitting there like an idiot.

He laughed a little and said , "nevermind, I got you. You're lazy." He laughed when I feigned hurt and let go of my torso then wrapped his right arm around my shoulders, and scoot his left arm to the crook of my legs, picking me up bridal style. I tried to conceal my blush, but I felt like a wildfire, untamable and spreading everywhere.

I didn't fight though, because I was in no state to first off and second I didn't want to come off as mean. We still only knew each other for about an hour and a half.

Five minutes into carrying me to the old man we saw earlier, I felt myself doze off against my will. the way my body rocked back and forth with every step Link took made me drowsy. Though I was tired, I was still alert and heard Link grumbling to himself. "What's wrong?" His eyes widened, probably startled because he thought I was asleep, then he looked down at me and said, "I forgot something when we left Chase."

I nodded. "Go ahead and go get it, I'll be here and I'm going to take a nap for a bit so hurry." He gave me a small smile. "nah, I'll get it once we meet the old man and make sure he's nice, then I'll go get it." He responded, and I shifted in his arms getting comfortable.

I turned to the right, my body getting stiff, and came to face Link's chest and I looked up, revealing his face.

He was focused ahead of him, staring out at the endless expanse of green and blue. But I wasn't focused on the land around us -as much as I wanted to- I was focused on his face. His eyes reflected the world around him and i saw myself staring at him. He seemed like he was lost in his own world, thinking about his past possibly. "This place is so beautiful, why would I choose to stay in that cavern?"

He whispered to himself. " I don't know, but how long were you in there?" He shook his head. "What don't you get by 'I don't remember anything from before that voice called me.'?" He asked, smiling.

My smile dropped a bit. "I'm sorry that you don't have your memories. I'm sure you'll find them." He gave a soft smile while looking off then cleared his throat saying. "We are here." And we headed forward to the old man's lean-to.

Here you go guys, a new chapter! Okay so, I found out through some research that they aren't called hangovers, but lean-to's. By research, I mean I was reading a chapter of the book Outpost by Ann Aguire and I found the word lean-to in it and I realized that that was the word I was looking for. Anyways, I got it figured out, and I have some really good stuff coming up later, I practically have the whole book set out and ready, just I need to get the chapters in and fill the blanks.

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