Chpt. 20 Challenge Me?

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O~~h goodness I'm sorry it's been over like a week since I've updated. I DIDNT DIE THO!! Thanks for being patient, here ya all ggooo!

"This thing is crazy. Like, we could ride a log off of here instead of busting our asses for the old guy!" I stated, looking at Link as he set up a fire for the night.

Four hours ago, we managed to pass through the Owa Daim shrine, and in the process, obtained a new power- stasis. It allowed you to stop time on a specific object and hit it repeatedly to build momentum. When the time restarts, the object shoots off with the gained potential energy.

"Well, think about this- we went through two shrines, and in both, we got a new update for the slate. What about the other two? I'm sure they got something." He retorted, wiping his hands on his bare chest, forgetting he had no shirt on.

He grimaced, then wiped the rest off onto his pants. I sighed through my nose.

"Yeah, I guess you're right, it couldn't hurt to finish the rest." I answered as I sat back against the tree we were next to.

"We can always keep that log thought though, for future reference. Plus, I'm surprised we got so much done today. We climbed a mountain, did a shrine, climbed down, and we already in the woods coming up to our next destination!" He said, offering a hand, and I gladly accepted
and gave a high five to him.

"Yeah, we
do make a good team. But, we need to rest
tomorrow is gonna be a long day, cause I wanna set our goal to doing two shrines in one sitting."

Link looked out the woods we were going to be staying in towards an open pasture, then up in a tree. "Do you think we'll be safe on the ground? Like,I don't know if there are any other enemy camps but I don't wanna risk it."

I followed his gaze up to a large tree near our fire, with a quite large surface to sit on right under the leaves. "Uhhmmm. Yeah, you are right. I would scout around the perimeter to check but I'm too tired and besides, the enemies could always just.. show up." I said.

Link leaned forward, finally looking back down at me, hair fluttering. "So, you're saying that the tree is a safe call?" He inquired, seeming in love with the prospect of possibly being able to sleep in his favorite place in the world.

I rolled my eyes, but agreed. "Yes, that's what I was saying Link. The tree is a safe call." I repeated the words to him, smiling when he jumped up and grabbed our bags, looking like a kid just got a puppy. He got a grip onto the bark of the large tree, and easily hoisted himself up.

He quickly made it to the top and hung our bags on a smaller branch of another tree close to ours.

I climbed up after him, only stopping when he exclaimed something and bending down close to my face.

Really close. Too close.

I backed up a bit, and ushered him to go on. He grinned ear to ear, and held out a hand- which was full of eggs. "CHEF LINK IS IN THE HOUSE!! Well... forest." He chuckled.

I laughed at his silliness, and didn't care to hid the blood rushing up my neck.

"That's egg-celent.", I joked, pleased when his jaw dropped. He wiped a non-existent tear from his eye, and drawled, " *sniff* You know me. You really know me so well." He jumped from the tree chuckling, and I fell down after him.

He then stopped and turned the upper half of his body towards me. "No, go back up there. You can't watch the cooking perfectionist do his thing, don't you know anything?" He shook his head and cracked his neck, pulling out the pot lid from the cabin that he used as a shield, and set it up.

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