chpt. 18 Honesty

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Here it isssss, a new chapter fresh from this morning. I'm gonna be leaving soon for the day, so I kinda rushed alittle so sorry for slight grammar issues. Oh, I also just figured out that Eren from Attack on Titan is also the voice actor for Hyrule Warriors Link, which is awesome!

"And we can either get there by climbing
That cliff right there OR we could go around the forested part and go up from there to the mountain. Either way we will be there before the sun sets, so your call." I explained to him as he sharpened our weapons and checked supplies.

"Well, it's just barely dawn so my body is not ready to be climbing that monster of a cliff. I mean look at it!" He pointed to the large cliff overlooking the forest and cabin. 

"Pffft, no. I say we cut through the woods, get to the base of the mountain easier." He answered, I nodded and grabbed my daggers after he sharpened them, and, surprisingly, they were looking nearly brand new.

Link and I were looking through the last of our supplies when my hand grazed across the flower crown. I softly grabbed the thing, it being wrapped in a korok leaf safely so it didn't mess up.

I glanced at Link and saw him readjusting the straps to his axe, so I took the crown outside the cabin and unwrapped it.

I took a whiff of it, enjoying the many smells of different wildflowers, especially the sweet scent of the Silent Princess.

Link really is a sweet guy isn't he? I could consider him a friend despite my usual set of rules. Hell, he could be even a close friend.

I looked at the crown in my hands and sighed and slowly wrapped it back up, my own thoughts wrapped as well.

Maybe I can tell him that my name isn't really E-

"Evangeline? What's wrong?"

I didn't jump, sure he startled me, but I was trained not to do that. But, that didn't stop me from fumbling over my words, caught in a wave of anxiety and confusion.

Should I tell him? I don't know if I can trust him enough, but I feel that I can. GODDESSSS THIS IS SO CONFUSING, STOP BEING SO SCARED, IT'S JUST A GUY, NO THING YOU CANT HANDLE- TELL HIM, DONT TELL HIM!!!

"Evangeline, are you okay, you look kinda spooked." He leaned down in front of me, a look of worry on his features.

I gained my composure then sighed.

"I-I haven't been fully honest with you, Link, and I feel I should tell you. I just don't know how to come across saying it." I told him, his face now expressing confusion and anxiety as well.

He probably thought I meant something besides my name, more like 'I'm actually a bad guy, NNYYEHEHEH' or 'I'm not really your friend, this was a setup'.

He ran a hand through his hair, then said "Well, just know you can trust me, you can tell me anything."

I sighed, and looked at him. "My real name isn't Evangeline."

He stayed still, shaking his head slowly. "We'll talk about this later, we got to get a move on." He said quietly, going inside the cabin and grabbing our stuff, handing my bag and bow to me.

I mumbled a thanks and slung the bow around my shoulder and attached my quiver onto my belt, readjusting my bag and jogging to catch up to Link, who was already in the woods.

The walk was silent, but not a comfortable one, more like one that can suffocate somebody. I kept my head low, still looking out for anything dangerous, but glancing at Link to check on him.

His body was somewhat stiff, looking straight ahead of him. I looked behind us but spun around when I heard his voice for the first time in 15 minutes.

"So... what is your name?" He asked, turning his head around his shoulder, but not looking at me.

"It's Y/n."

"Why'd you lie about it?"

I felt like I was about to have a nervous breakdown. He never sounded or looked so disappointed at anything.

"It's always something I've felt I had to do to somebody new and untrustworthy, it's nothing against you personally. I end up telling somebody after a while, but they understand why I have to, my job is dangerous, not something you can just be chummy about."

His expression seemed to soften He nodded, but said nothing afterwards. He jumped a tree and grabbed a few apples, and threw two to me. I caught them and stuck them into my bag. We continued our walk, occasionally picking up random herbs, mushrooms, and fruits for later. I was squatted over a bush of peppers, eating and stashing the spicy food for warmth on the mountain when I heard Link say,

"By the way, Y/n is a pretty name, I honestly like it better than Evangeline."

He patted my shoulder and smiled sweetly before going to his own pepper bush. I felt the blood rush ( did you know 'blush' is a contraction of 'blood rush'?) to my face, and to my demise Link noticed.

He smirked, knowing what it was, but he then decided to taunt me. "What's wrong Y/n, it getting hot out here? You're face is really red." He feigned innocence, and my face flushed more, before I thought of something. I grabbed three peppers and stuck them in my mouth.

I ate them, my throat burning. "No, it's just these peppers must be making my face flush." I defended myself and he shrugged, turning to his bush with a smile. I stood up and brushed off my pants, starting to walk.

"Let's go, we gotta get up there soon before dark." I turned and Link was nowhere to be seen and, confused, looked around for him. When I turned in front of me, I yelped and punched on instinct.

Link's crooked smile disappeared and he fell to the ground holding his stomach. "Hoooohho, that hurt," He then laughed. "I should have expected that." He said, and I apologized then offered a hand. Link took it, helping him stand. He swiped his hands across his shirt, which was littered with dead leaves and dirt. He then spun on his heel and started walking towards a good spot to start onto the mountain.

"Awesome. There's a place there, it even has an entrance!" Link all but skipped towards the entrance, but skidded to a halt, his gaze meeting mine.

"Someone is close." He said and grabbed my hand, taking me into the bushes.

Yayyy I got it done, your true name is revealed, about to be on a mountain, and now there's a small cliffhanger!And once again, sorry if there are some grammar issues, I was in a hurry to write it all in this morning. My mom and I are going into town for a new car and now she's trying to teach me financing and credit since the school thinks it's more important to learn what 'x' equals than how to get good credit and successful life.

Oh, and  I wanted  to thank you all so much for 12K reads, all this is possible because of y'all. It means alot for your votes and comments, but in reality, even though they are very nice and I appreciate votes and comments, that's not the reason that I write. I just hope you enjoy, and I thank the readers who have voted or commented on my story.

PLUS, check out N4V1-N0V4's story, Wolves, Potions, and Goat Cheese , it's very well-written and I suggest y'all check it out on your free time!

I'm rambling too much... again.... I have to go soon people, bye!

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