Reunited with Chase chpt.5

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IM SORRY!!!! I did not mean to take absolutely forever for this, it just happened. But here y'all go, a new chapter. Reunited with Chase.

After finishing our raid, my new company and I walked out with only a pair of too-short pants, a raggedy shirt, a few bags- in bad shape, mind you- and a weird object that Link calls a Sheikah Slate. I decided not to question it. As we were stepping out of the entrance to the cave, Link stopped dead in his tracks, shivering, and held his arms with wide eyes.

"Uhhh, are you okay? What happened?" I looked at him with concern, and my fight or flight instincts kicked in the back of my mind. He didn't have a weapon, but never underestimate.

a light - our light- that must shine upon Hyrule once again. Now go." I looked at him, and seemed to be just as confused as I was. I stepped out into the sunlight, and Link looked like he was bout bout to have a heart attack, for some reason.

"It's so beautiful."

"Yep, that's Hyrule for ya." I then spotted something out of the corner of my eye. It was a large man walking to a fire under a hangover in the distance (that is what they call a rock that hangs over a wall, right? It's like a natural th- forget it, I'm calling it a hangover).

"Hey Link, do you s-" Link interrupted.

"Evangeline, look there's a guy over there!" I glared at him, and he looked at me innocently. "What?" "That's what I was going to say." He smiled awkwardly and rubbed his neck, saying, "heh, sorry"

"It's fine, let's just go check it out." He pumped his fist, then started to climb down the cliff. I was about to follow him, but we were cut off by a loud whir.

We turned to the left and saw a gaurdian in the trees. Chase, to be exact, with three of my precious and expensive arrows in his stupid eye.

"WHAT IS THAT?!" Link whisper-yelled. I would've laughed at his face under other conditions, but we are probably about to die, so now's not the time for that .

"That my friend, is Chase, the Rouge gaurdian. He is nice company!"

"Really? He looks in a pretty... um, I don't know, 'I really wanna kill you' mood." I nodded, then looked out to Chase again. "We just gotta sneak past it if we're gonna get out of here." "Agreeeed", he said, dragging out the word. I was going to sneak around and take him from behind, but before I could, Link asked a question.

"What am I going to fight him with if the time comes? Hell, I don't even think I know how to fight!" I smiled, grabbed one of my daggers, then handed it to him saying, "It comes naturally to a hylian." I patted his chin, then swiftly jumped off the cliff, landing on a Crack in the wall, then jumped again making it to the ground.

Link looked at me, awed. He didn't want to give them away to Chase, so instead of jumping and possibly falling, he climbed down quietly but still fast enough to keep up. "How'd you do that so easy?" Link asked. "My job is to get into dangerous places, grab the treasures, and get out in one piece. I've been doin' this since I was ten." He was about to say something, but I put a hand to his mouth, and pulled him back behind a rock.

Chase stalked back, eager to find me again and finish what we started. After the gaurdian passed us, I reached out and grabbed Link's arm, dragging him with me behind Chase to sneak away. We were going to head to the right and make it to that man we saw earlier, but was cut short when I heard an all too familiar whirring sound.

We both turned, and saw that Chase found us, and wasn't happy. After all, I did lodge three arrows in his eyeball. "Umm, run?" Link asked. "RUN"

I turned on my heel and sprinted into the woods, Link following behind me. "How in the world do we fight this thing?" Link called to me. " you see those arrows in it's eye? That was me trying to answer the same question!" We picked up our pace, trying to lose the Rouge in the trees. After a bit, I noticed that Link started climbing a tree. I raced to him, and climbed up after him. "Sorry to bother you, but we shouldn't be climbing trees when we might end up dying!" I whispered while climbing to the top. But when I turned, he was sharpening a branch he found in the tree with my dagger . When he was done, he took a vine and wrapped the dagger on the other end of the stick. "That's pretty smart, but I thought you didn't know anything about combat?" He looked up at me. "I thought I didn't either, but it seems to one easy to me... like I've done stuff like this before."

"While I would love to ponder on this with you, we got bigger problems."

As if on que, the ground shook and Chase came running by. We jumped out, and tried to fight it. I attempted to come up under it and cut the legs or any important circuits that may be under it. As I slid under it, one of it's legs came and smacked me off course. I still got a cut at its leg, severing a few circuits and the outer layer, which acted like skin. Links somehow got in top of the Rouge and was looking for a way top detach it's eye or anything like that. He was repeatedly dodging hands and also finding weak points on the guardian.

I have to admit, for a first timer, he seemed to know what he was doing. "Link! It's legs are a weak spot!" His ears perked up, and he said, "This guy doesn't get hurt that bad from the normal arrows, but look!" He held up one of my arrows, now with arrows rows glowing blue on it. "It's electricly charged. Well, kinda, it's not that strong, but it'll do something I bet!" At that, he brought his arm back and thrust the arrow into the eye once again.

Chase lurched backwards and started smoking a bit where the arrow hit. It sat still for a moment, seeming to power down. My face brightened. "You're a genius, Link!" He smirked and jumped down, a new found hope in his eyes. "Nah, I'm not. But we have to hurry and finish it of-" He was cut off by a bright light going past and my scream of pain.

"AHH, GODDESSES DAMNED THAT HURT LIKE HELL!" I yelled. I looked down at my leg. It was indirectly hit by the gaurdian, who was up up and back again without us noticing. Link gaped at my leg in shock. I didn't blame him, it looked like bloody hell- literally. "Evangeline are you o-", he couldn't finish because he had to roll out of the way from Chase shooting a laser. Him and I scurried behind a tree.

"You look horrible."

"Thanks, I tried. I can say the same for you though." I looked at my leg, and it was a long but clean cut with a large burn around it. Link took the shirt we found out out his pouch and handed it to me. "Stay out of this, I go-"

the tree was cut in half by the rouge, it finding out where we were. I crawled away, and listened as Link shouted, "WHAT THE HELL MAN? IT'S RUDE TO INTERRUPT, AND YOU'VE DONE IT FIVE TIMES ALREADY!"

Link took out the dagger-stick from around his belt, which was blue- meaning it was electrified. How did that happen? I'll ask later. Link then chucked the stick at Chase, and somehow landed perfectly into the crease where it's head ends and body starts.

The guardian stopped dead, then tumbled around as its legs fell off one by one and it's head jerked around. Then Chase fell to the ground and lost it's color. Link was panting, agitated, and looked at me. I gave him a thumbs up, and he grinned ear to ear. "Welp," He breathed, " let's tend to that leg you got there."

Wow, this ended up being a pretty long chapter. Longer than I expected, at least. Hope this made up for the fact that I forgot to update for the past month 😂. Btw, has anybody seen the newest trailer for BotW? It looks SO amazing, and to keep from screaming cause it was like 1 am, I kicked around, but fell off my bed. Super hyped for this game. Have a good day and a great week. Bai

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