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So guys, my siblings broke the charger port to my phone, meaning that I could no longer charge it, and eventually it died for the last time. I ended up getting a new phone but by the time I did get it, it was the last two weeks of school and I had to worry about exams and all that. Summer break has started for me last Friday and as soon as that ended I started working on this again, along with another chapter of the main story. Super excited for our smol boi to experience the world for the first time in 100 years!

Btw, this prompt includes a little pinch of angst, fluff near the end, and more drama that is exclusively for your llama. Hope you're ready for this crazy trainride of a chapter full of overreacting people and hormonal teenagers ~ I was originally going to just only write about a jealous Link and stuff, but with that, there was only a thousand words and not a rich plot. I asked an online friend and they gave me some good ideas that I could use. I took up a few of them, and ended up with angst being added into it as well

Also, some of the events that has been said to happen actually does happen in the story, so if you feel lost, that's because it just hasn't happened yet. Feel free to ask any questions!

▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Link is a ladies' man without meaning to, and is oblivious to every girl that flirts.

I, despite being jealous, decide to hold back and let him do his thing, but to say that I enjoy doing that is a lie. I hate it, along with the girls -even guys- that can never just keep three feet away from him.

Honestly though, I cannot blame them, because I simply feel the same way for the boy. I've known him for nearly a few months now, and both of our feelings have only grown stronger over time. And, much to my chagrin, we've done nothing about said feelings besides random touching, we've even kissed before and nothing came out of it.

Although I'm glad that we are taking our time and prioritizing our mission, it would often get quite annoying to watch on as the blond I cared so much for obliviously go along with a random person's innuendos. Of course, I also couldn't do much of anything about it because we technically aren't in an official relationship despite our obvious pining for each other, so I'm not able to tell anyone else to back off unless I really need to.

Sighing in exasperation, I turned on my heel and walked in the other direction of Link and the girl, heading over to sit with Beetle.

"Heya girlie, how's it goin' with you two lovebirds?" The funny man turned to me with a large grin, and I gave him a smile in return before sitting back against the tree that Beetle had been sitting under.

"Where'd you get that name from?" I laughed when he merely shrugged and tapped his forehead with one of his long fingers. "Well, I guess we've been doing good. We managed to start scrounging enough money for those flamebreaker armor sets we need."

Beetle gave me a hearty pat on my shoulder, and, while taking a sack of rupees from around his waist, said "I tell you what- you manage to find me some special beetles and I'll give you a discount on my wares and I'll pay you more on what you sell to me. I know you're struggling around what with all of your journeys, so if you need help... give me a call."

I smiled at him, nodding vigorously.

We continued to have small conversation, and I also would occasionally turn my head to where Link would ask to change something on his horse, and the girl would make a comment on his... anything that is able to be commented on. Speak of the devil, the non-bothered, smooth talking blond glanced in my direction and gave me a wave along with a smile.

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