Chpt.12. What in the?

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For some reason, I had no idea how to write this chapter, I struggled for three days lol. But thank you for all the reads oh my god! I remembered being excited for only 100, but now it's up to 3 thousand and my mom was asking me why I was squealing and practically running in place.

For the past hour, Link and I have been in at least twelve different games and competitions, and the while time I tried not to drown every time Link got too close to me or gave a cheeky grin with all of his hair stuck to his face .

We decided to get out of the lake at about 12, but as I was ringing my hair out, Link walked idly by and pushed me with one hand back into the water, making me flail around like a fish out of water as I fell backwards into the water, making Link laugh so hard he almost fell in as well.

We ended up starting a whole 'nother round of it. At 1, we got back out and actually stayed out this time.

Now we were just eating some Hylian shrooms and sitting in the sun, letting it's heat dry us off a little before we went to where we were supposed to go next -the boulders.

It was around 1 when we were almost fully dry and we're putting our equipment on. I handed him the axe that I got, saying that he needed a weapon.

After that, we headed to the right towards the large pile of giant rocks, with a small cave-like opening. My walking slowed and Link stepped into the front as we stepped into the shadow that was casting over the ground.

"Watch your head." He said to me quietly while ducking low to not skim a loose rock. Letting our eyes adjust to the dark a bit, sure enough we found the pedestal sitting there near the end of the pile of boulders.

I stayed still at the side with my hand on my right dagger she (you) is ambidextrous so she has no dominant hand. as Link cautiously walked up to the pedestal and dusted it off. That thing was dirty, you could tell from the large cloud of dust and dirt that was visibly floating and making Link sneeze.

I tried not to laugh at the way his face scrunched up. He gained his composure back and blew out his nose to get any extra dirt out, then unclasped the slate from his pants and carefully setting it face-first onto the pedestal. It glowed a bright blue, and a mechanical sounding voice spoke,

'Authenticating..... Sheikah Tower activated.' Nothing happened, and we stood there, tense. Crack , I heard a jarring sound of rocks splitting in two, then glanced up and saw the boulders breaking apart around us.

"Death approches, time to scattle!" Love to anybody who gets this reference ❤ I heard Link yell, and he grabbed my arm as he went off the opposite direction of the pedestal.

As we were reaching the exit, it was blocked off by a falling boulder. "Great, this is how I die. Not exploded by bombs, shot by lasers, and a club to the head. But a bunch of boulders?! You've got to be shitting me!" I yelled in frustration, but also fear.

Could this be the end? We'll have to see I guess. Me and Link backed up and traced our steps to the pedestal, but we were shot up into the air. I lost my balance and my ears were hurting from the sound of rocks breaking and wind whistling violently around us.

I sat and prayed to the Goddesses that we'd be okay as my body hit the ground and I heard the slight thud as Link fell to the ground too. I squeezed my eyes shut to the point where it hurt and grit my teeth to stop from screaming, waiting for it to stop - if it ever would.

How did it go from me swimming with a friend to probably dying for doing a favor to an old man? Well it doesn't matter, because we are here now, so I lied on the floor and kept my eyes closed.

Finally, I felt my stomach go back from my feet to where it's supposed to be, and the 'tower' beneath us stop shooting upwards.

I risked a glance up and saw that we were up high. Really high. I didn't move, my legs felt like they would fail me if I tried, so I decided to stay there and catch my breath.

Why does my throat hurt, was I screaming the whole time? Most likely, I just probably didn't hear myself. Oh Goddesses, is Link okay?! I thought as I shot up and looked around frantically for him, also checking my surroundings. It's a thing that I always do when I go into a new place, it's my instincts talking.

I saw that it was an open area with a small circular roof over a small part of the tower with a rock with writing on it, and that damn pedestal was sitting right under it.

I hate that pedestal. I then saw Link, curled over the edge of the tower, and I knew that he was puking. I don't blame him though, I never felt my stomach drop like that before and honestly I could vomit myself right now.

So instead of telling him to man up like I would usually, I patted his back while he lost all of his mushrooms. I didn't look, while I may have have a strong stomach due to my job, it felt awkward with me just standing there watching his backside as it arched.

It lasted about ten seconds before he leaned back and let out a 'HOoooh' running his left hand through his bangs while using his right hand to wipe his mouth. Slowly, he stood up and leaned on a pier -like thing that supported one side of the roof.

"Holy crap, that was rough. After this, I definetly deserve a nap. And more food, mines all gone." He said to me.

I laughed, but not because of what he said, mostly out of hysteria - I mean, we survived that, and it really messed with my nerves.

"Yeah you'll get your nap, but right now we need to do what the an and random lady asked us." He moved his hand to make a motion that I was blabbering on while he sauntered towards the pedestal. I stuck my tongue out at him and he smirked.

He seems to like messing with me I guess. As he dealt with the pedestal I looked out onto the land of Hyrule, and saw that there were more towards quite like this one.

I'm naming this tower Ärger. There is this thing that I have, it makes me name inanimate objects depending on how they affect me. I don't know if anybody else does that or its just me being a weirdo, but I like the idea of her just naming stuff and Link's just goes with it. 

I think as I study the other towers in the horizon.

Then something happens, making the tower shake and I saw it turn a bright blue. I turned to where I last saw Link, and the slate was inside the pedestal. 'Sheikah Slate identified. Retrieving regional map.' And the rock above it glowed, the writings flowing down its as though they were liquid. After building up, it released a teardrop onto the skate and it splattered then disappeared into the air.

I walked to Link and we leaned in to see what happened. The slate's screen turned on and there there used to be and dot was now a diamond shape and there was no longer an endless blue, but there was an small map of the local area on it. 'Regional map extracted.' "It was a map after all." Link stated, mesmerized by the slate.

The top of the pedestal pushed out and Link grabbed the slate and glanced at it one more time before latching it back into his pants. "I'm guessing this is what the man wanted? Let's go back."

I nodded and looked down, seeing small parts of the tower pushed out to act like a balcony for us to jump down. We turned towards where they started and went to leave.

"Remember..." We turned and saw a flash in the ruined castle where the calamity resided and listened more to what the voice had to say.

Done. Oh by the way, the names of the towers are going to actually be real words that have meanings to what she named them, but they'll be in a different language. Points to whoever can tell me what they think the meaning is! Also, of the naming thing really bothers you, I'll take it off, I just thought it would be a cute thing to add in?

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