chpt 26

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This was a bad idea.

"Link, are you sure about this? I think I can live my life up here honestly. Live in that cabin, become friends with a boar, maybe even ha-"

"Hush now you pessimist. Well be fine, just hold on to me tight." He told me with an amused tone, obviously finding my apprehension funny, and I pouted, looking up and down his body with a frown, which was standing only an inch from me. How had I failed to notice that there were two people and only one paraglider?

"We didn't think this through." I said, looking down the edge of the plateu to where the pile of rubble that helped me up here was now only littering the ground below. Small clouds were not too far below us, showing how high we were. Now, I've never really been scared of heights, but I'm not too ecstatic about putting my life in the hands of a piece of cloth and a confident yet slightly clumsy teen.

"Y/n, we don't think most things through. You trust me, right?" He practically pleaded, watching me.

Sighing, I nodded and tightened my grip around his neck to the point of breaking it: one because I definetly don't want to slip off, two because I want him to know I'm not happy about this. He let out a small groan of discomfort before shooting me a look. I shrugged "I thought you said hold on tight, is that not what I'm doing?" I puckered my lips as he sighed in defeat, deciding not to argue back.

I close my eyes for good measure as I feel Link lower himself for a jumping start, and I suppress a scream when I feel him jump forward.

We lose weight for a moment and we slice through the air, flying, before the wind introduces itself and pushes us downwards into a sharp nosedive. My attempt to not scream fails immediately and I swear I would've heard Link's eardrums pop if not for the blasting wind and the blond's own screams.

Suddenly, we stopped plummeting. Not fully, but we had settled into a gentle glide. Then I realized that I also stopped screaming myself and watched in amazement at the scene unfolding around me.

"Wow. Are you seeing this?" I look over to the voice of Link and see him looking at me with eyes full of excitement. I nod in agreement with a smile.

"I am and it is awesome. I feel like I'm gonna hurl, but it's awesome." I say, voice full of mirth. Link throws his head back and laughs at my words and I can't help but to laugh along too. Between the adrenaline of being in the air like this and the lovely sound beside me, what's not to laugh about?

All too soon, we land on the ground, surprisingly safe, and I take in a long breath as I let go of Link and sit down in the grass. I need a break. "Welcome to Hyrule... or what's left of it at least." I say half enthusiastically to the teen, who was no longer near me when I offered a smile. I turn quickly, feeling like I somehow lost him, and see that he seems to be having the time of his life.

"Woah look at that! Look at those, I want one! This is so cool!"

We had landed a little off course due to the minute of free-falling that occured, bringing us left, and before us -not too far in the distance- are a small herd of wild horses. Link is bouncing on his toes in excitement, studying all of them with wide and eager eyes.

I watch with a smile until he pounces down into the tall grass and attempts to crawl towards them. Jumping up, I run forward and grab him by the waistband of his pants before he tried to lunge on the unaware animals. I pull the now complaining teen back to where I was sitting and set him down.

"I had him, you know. Why'd you pull me back?" He pouts again for the upteenth time while fiddling around with his pants, obviously gaining a wedgie from getting dragged, and I chuckle.

"Can't you wait until we hit the stables? I want to make sure my H/n is okay first, and there is a bigger choice of horses over there for you to pick anyways." I explain to him and he seems to mull it over, looking back between the mountains and the horses in contemplation.

His eyes land on mine at some point, and his expression softens. "Fine. But only because you care about that horse." Link stands up and sets a hand on my shoulder while offering me a reassuring smile. "H/n is fine, I'm sure of it. If it's anything like you, it'll be okay. Let's go, I want one of those guys really bad."

He gives me a quick glance at my pants and I follow his gaze, confused, before I notice that he was focusing on the map that is hanging slightly out of my front pocket. Quickly, I take it out and turn around towards the mountains before he notices the blood rushing up my neck.

Of course he was looking at the map, chill out Y/n.

"You see this? This is where we are right now, not too far from the Gatepost Town Ruins. We are looking at the Dueling Peaks, which on the map is East of us. Judging from the sun it's nearly noon, so we should be there before dusk for sure including breaks and... whatever you wanna do."

Link, who was standing close behind me during the explanation, took his right arm and leaned over my shoulder and touched the surface of the map with his outstretched fingers as he talked.

"Why are there so many markings on it? Are these places you've been to or something? I was listening by the way, just curious about it."

He was really close. I could feel his breath on the shell of my ear with every word he said and my body was suddenly very aware of his proximity and the heat gathering around us, although the whole situation was merely platonic. He was only leaning on me so he could see, his chin resting on my shoulder so he could look at me for his question, nothing more.

"Uhm, that's- yeah that's all where I've been to. Ruins. And all that... Stuff. Yeah." I could feel myself starting to falter as I spoke. He dragged his finger across the parchment, stopping at the end of a trail of ink leading towards an old destination of mine, then started on another one.

He was intently studying the map, taking mental notes as he leaned in closer. "Impressive," The small praise sends a shiver down my spine "You've nearly been everywhere. Except here," he sets his finger on the spot where we were now, seeing no X's or cirlces anywhere in the surrounding area, "Or way up North. Why?"

I could feel his head, which was currently propped up on my shoulder, turn towards me. Feeling my breathing speed up a fraction, I forced myself to speak. "Honestly, I've just never heard amazing stories about this area, and I've never taken interest up North. I probably won't explore there for a while until I run out of options."

Nodding in thought, Link adjusted his head until he was staring at the world in front of him. "I'm so ready to explore all of this."

Taking this as an opportunity to save my poor heart I pulled away before his hair skimmed across my neck again and I completely lost it. "Then let's go, no time to waste!"

He grinned, his demeanor changing to a look of pure joy. His left foot was tapping the grass involuntarily, clearly impatient as he waited for me to make a move. I smiled at the fact that he was holding back for me despite his obvious want to experience what the world had to offer.

"Well what are you waiting for, Link? I'm not here to pull your leash, have at it."

Immediately his feet scrambled over each other and he was off. With a snicker I set into a walking pace as we set off towards our next destination before we head out towards Kakariko Village.

What are the odds that the place I buy and sell my stuff on a regular basis is where The Hero of Hyrule needs to go to save the world?

This should be interesting.

Hi guys I'm back! Sorry for the long wait, I've been caught up in some things. Well.. a lot of things.. but whatever! However I got inspiration out of nowhere (more like a few people has been giving me words of inspiration) and with that I managed to get this out of the drafts and up on here!

Thanks for the patience guys, the Jealousy chapter is coming out soon too, I'm working out a few kinks and stuff so it's as good as I can get it what with my on-going writer's block.

Love y'all, bai~!

>>for some reason it had unpublished, but it's back up now! Sorry<<

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