chpt.13 missions

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Thank y'all guys for being so patient! My exams are still not done, I have about two left( science 😄) (math 😵), but I got myself a weekend and I've already studied last night, so I thought that I could post this for you all before I head back to the testing and all. Thank y'all for 5k reads, and here's a nice little chapter. B

We stared in horror out towards the castle in the distance as the voice continued to speak.

"You have been asleep for the past 100 years." I shot my head to glance at Link.

That really cannot be true... can it? And Link staggered back, caught off guard by the sudden fact of that he is a teen, but also an elderly the same.

He didn't know this? My thoughts were cut off as the voice continued and the ground shook.

"The beast. When the beast regains it's true power, the world will face it's end."

The second that she spoke, a plume of purple and black smoke busted out of the castle and swirled into the form of a colossal bull-like animal.

It flew around the castle as if looking for a way out and emitted a horrifying growl as its form seemed to be swallowed by a bright essence, like a light. Soon it's smoky figure was depleted with only some streaks of unformed smoke still swirled around the castles exterior and the voice then spoke again.

"Now then... you must hurry Link, before it's too late."

The voice faded out and left us standing, flabbergasted at everything just told and shown to us. "Welp. That's alot to take in." Link deadpanned, breaking the silence that lasted for at least three minutes now.

He had a lot more to say, you could see it in his eyes...

I nodded, saying nothing, and turned back towards where we were to be headed down from.

Is this what the old man wanted us to see?

"I'm guessing this is what that guy wanted us to go and see?" Link practically mirrored my thoughts out loud. "I'm guessing so, with this task being pretty specific as to what we were to do for him." "Well we did it, so we can just head back and tell him what happened?"

At first, I was going to say yes, but something popped up in my mind.

"What if he's not as nice as he seems, and is using us for information, since he probably thinks we are naive teens?"

I turned to look up at him as he jumped down from one platform to the next, landing near me.

"Wow, are you this superstitious with everyone?"

I made a signal with my hand that said '50\50' and he chuckled before jumping down another.

"I'm sure he's not a super spy, he is an elderly who was nice enough to let us stay the night, use his fire, and cauterize your wound. Have you heard of a 80 year old sweet guy who happened to also be a spy or ninja?"

"There's always a possibility." I answered him as he sighed, but laughed. "You're hopeless."

"Like you have room to talk."

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