chpt. 28 Spur of the moment

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The second I arrived at the entrance to the inn I was at the counter. The innkeeper was busy talking to a woman inside the building, so I waited impatiently at the stand, foot tapping the wood.

Link was off exploring; he was currently in the shrine sitting across the Stables, and I gave him a small pouch of money for him to have the freedom of talking and browsing.

The man eventually turned and recognition came to his face "Eve! How are you dear?"

"Hey Tasseren, I'm doing well. Long few days."

"I'd say, considering your sweet mare came a'runnin to my stables a few days ago. She was pretty spooked, but smart girl knew to come here!"

My breath hitched and I felt so many anxieties melt away from that one sentence. "Oh Goddesses, H/n is here? That's so good to hear... I was worried sick. How much do I pay you for your hospitality to her?"

Tasseren gave a hearty laugh and beckoned for the woman inside the building to come out. "You owe me nothing dear, after all you've helped us with. Mari here will take you to H/n, she's out grazing right now."

I gave a curt bow of respect and a smile couldn't help but escape "Thank you so much, I'm so relieved to have her back"

He waved goodbye and his brother gave a short nod of his own, Mari leading me to the field. "She should be back here with the herd, Alinya is watching over them."

Oh! Alinya; she was a sweet girl, not much older than me, and we bonded over our love for horses if nothing else. I nodded and walked alongside her until I saw a group of multicolored creatures and a lone girl in the middle, grooming one of the horses.

Mari bid me a farewell and headed back to the settlement, and I headed off into the field to reunite with my good friends. The grass got taller and as I approached I grabbed a few herbs along the ground for the sake of having them.

The herd traveled slowly, Alinya guiding them close to some shade so she could sit under. I met her there, and as I was in earshot she looked up and smiled softly at me, to which I returned.

"Hello Y/n, it's been a while since I've seen you. I assume you're here for your horse?"

I shook my head a little and silently asked permission to sit next to her, to which she patted the ground and moved an inch. "I am, but I'm glad to sit and talk with you if you wouldn't mind."

We sat in the shade, enjoying the peace of the breeze and grazing creatures. The sun was soon to set and the sky took a darker shade of blue as the temperature dropped. The silence was broken when the girl next to me grew curious "Where have you been? H/n came here some time ago frantic and with her bags ruffled. All without her rider."

I sighed; the full story would be long and complicated and frankly unbelievable, so I thought of a simpler kind.

"I was chased down by a rogue guardian a few days ago, and was separated from H/n when I was thrown off the saddle. She ran off in a hurry and couldn't come back to find me because I was already gone. A boy came around and together we took down the machine. We've been on our way here on foot since."

"A boy?" Her eyes lit up, and you could tell she was intrigued by the mention of him. I scoffed.

"Yes, a boy. It was very kind of him to help me out; and we agreed to travel together for the time being. Now that we are at the Stables and I have everything, it's up to him if he wants to go or not."

Alinya opened her mouth to speak but a loud whinny interrupted and I looked up to see my mare trotting up to me with high bouncy steps and it was the happiest I've seen her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2020 ⏰

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