Chpt. 24 She Already Has

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Guys... I have one thing to say......


"That's a lie! We both know that the egg come first!" Link exclaimed, throwing his hands into the air. I glared at the blond, pointing my finger close to his chest. "No, because who would produce the cuccoo egg if there's no cuccoo?" I said as he glared back at me, albeit good-heartedly. he sighed loudly through his nose before answering me.

"They weren't born from an egg, but by... uhhh.. Fuh-.... Farore's word." He puffed his chest despite his forgetfulness on the goddess' name.

"Buuut, it's also proven that the Rito evolved from Zoras, which are not even close to the same species, that single species didn't come from an egg." I won, I knew I had.... Well, if he understood my point.

"What even are those?" Link cocked his head in curiosity as he asked me, dropping the argument. I had forgotten that he had forgotten. How ironic.

"Rito and Zoras? They're different species that are spread around Hyrule. They're pretty cool, all of them are sentient and all, just they have very different builds. There's also the gorons, they're just... hard to get to." I explained, smiling as he looked at his feet in thought.

"Can we see one?" He asked, looking back to me, and he growled when he brushed his bangs out of his eyes again for the upteenth time today. I chuckled, sitting down next to him on the cold blue floor.

Oh yeah, we're not outside. We are currently flabbergasted, watching a crystalline blue waterfall with an ever-falling huge ball that just won't roll into the freaking hole to the right of it.

The Crynosis Shrine.

"Yeah, I'll take you to see one. All of them, actually. But first~ how do we get out of this damned shrine?" I forcefully tilted his head to the left- the waterfall- and sat behind him. I signaled to his slate as I grabbed ahold of the tie that kept his hair together.

Link winced, making me loosen my grip and mumble an apology. "It's okay. Just be quiet for a minute, I'm trying to focus." He said as I hummed in affirmation and took out the tie of his hair. "I'm going to fix this okay? That way there are less bangs in your eyes." He nodded, moving the slate in front of the waterfall, planning on where to put an ice block. I finished unwrapping the tie and his hair cascaded down to his shoulder blades.

'A golden waterfall.' I thought to myself while putting the hair tie next to my lap. "What'd you say?" I jumped at Link's voice. "What?" I asked, playing dumb. 'I said that out loud?!' I opened my mouth to answer, but he just shrugged, looking back to the ball that once again rolled past his ice block. I sighed as he growled at the puzzle, and I went back to work on his hair. Actually... "Link, do you mind if I mess around with your ha-" He cut me off saying, "Knock yourself out."

I smiled and quickly threaded my fingers through the thick blond locks. Surprisingly, his hair was soft despite not being properly washed, despite the speck of dirt here and there. I seperated his hair into three parts and started braiding them together. Seeing as the braid was messy, I shook it out and I worked through the small knots, then pulled up his hair nearly to the top of his head. He let out a yelp when I pulled the strings of hair together tightly. "Hush now, you know that didn't hurt." I said, grabbing some of his bangs at the top of his head and pulled them back to the high bun.

"You ripped off my scalp!" He hissed, crossing his arms. I promptly ignored his whining and went to smoothing back his hair until it was like a flat surface. Grabbing the hair tie next to my lap, I went to wrap it nicely around the bu- "I GOT IT!" Link exclaimed as I heard the door opened and he immediately tried to stand up, but I held onto his hair and he fell back with a yell. "Come on we need to go!" He exclaimed. I shook my head. "You should have let me finish your hair, now you gotta wait until I fix it." I smoothed it down again and grabbed the tie, wrapping it slowly. " Y/n~ come onn." He groaned, impatient. I chuckled at the cuteness of his built-up energy.

Once I was satisfied with my work, I let him go and stood up, not even getting to my feet before he ran down into the last room. Chuckling and dusting off my pants, I hurried behind him. I entered the room, staying quiet as the ¿monk? (Is that what it is?) spoke to Link, who was at the top of the stairs.

Deciding not to intervene, I leaned against the doorway with a small smile and watched as the small one-sided conversation passed. Soon enough, Link was given the spirit orb and he stood still as it flew towards him. After receiving the orb, the monk talked once again.

"May the goddess smile upon you." While the monk spoke those words, Link turned his head to where I was standing, and mumbled something incoherently. I cocked my head to the side, wondering what he sad before the monk dissolved, us following soon after.

수 Time skip 수 ㅎ

"Meet me where the four shrines intersect." We nodded to the old man before he disappeared. I looked to Link questioningly,

"What is up with this guy? Like seriously." Scoffing, he lightly pushed my left shoulder, saying "Chill it, Y/n. He's helping us out here." I huffed, taking out my map before realizing mine was kind of out-dated. "Uhh Link, Slate?" He looked down to where it was resting on his hip and unhooked it, holding it out for both of us to see. I scooted closer to him, for seeing the screen better and taking any excuse possible to just get closer.

We looked over it, highlighting some spots, until I straightened up. "Hold on now, what about the Temple of Time?" I said, grabbing the slate from his hands and placing a mark on it. He leaned over my shoulder, squinting and making mental trails on the map. His eyes perked, and he smiled.

"Yes! That's it." He skipped backwards before turning around in midair and starting to jog off towards the large tower. I laughed, equally excited to finally be off of this damned plateu.
I ran to catch up with him the second time today, and almost ran into him when he slowed to a walk.

We fell in line with each other, walking in a comfortable silence with large smiles. Well, it was silent, until a thought came to my mind. "Link, what did you say in the shrine when you turned around?" He didn't answer at first, just stared forward. Then his smile turned into a grin before he looked at me.

"She already did."

OkaY sO
I later found Le password and I immediately had to reread my story and catch up with what was going on. And oh goodness, my first few chapters were cringyyyyyy. I may rewrite those, but for now ENJOYYYY DA UPDATE

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