Not my day chpt.2

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"Almost there girl, then we can take a break." I patted my horse's neck as she ran, once brushed mane flying the the wind and tangling itself. Every once in a while, she would jump over large boulders that once were part of a grand building, and I would grin from the exhilaration. Getting closer to my destination, I saw more and more broken-down buildings, even guardians.

After some time, I saw the giant plateu towering over us, and glanced to the sky. "Right on time. Hell, I'm even early." Looking over, I spotted a pile of guardians, some missing legs and others not. "Time for some archery practice?". I asked myself, smiling as I took out my handmade bow, and aimed at the eye of one of the guardians in the pile. As if seeing what I was going to do, H/n slowed down a bit.

I took a deep breath to steady myself, then let the arrow loose. It stuck right into the center of the rusted eye, and I could've swore that I saw said eye glow for a second. I shrugged it off though, pining it as a trick of the sun. Most of the guardians were dead, the rogues, as travelers now call them, powered off a long time ago before I was even born 17 years ago, besides the select few near the castle or important parts of Hyrule. I steer clear of those parts, at least until I feel ready to take them on.

I still was careful around them, they gave me a feeling of uneasiness that made the hairs of my skin crawl, whether they were dead or not. I shot a few other ones, and seeing that nothing happened, I steadied and unmounted H/n, walking towards the pile of guardians. I was careful to be vigilant in here and light on my feet, ready to get out if needed.

I walked up to a few of them and grabbed my arrow by the shaft, having to put a lot of effort into getting it out. After getting all my other arrows, I went to the one I shot first, and tried to yank it out quickly. As I was doing that, I felt something move under me. My breath hitched and I let go of the arrow, knowing exactly what just happened. 'Shit. Great move, Y/n. Soooo smart, you just had to shoot them.' I thought angrily to myself.

This was going to be bad.

I scrambled down, and as I did, I heard a horrible crrraaacck. Then silence. I slowly turned towards the sound, and next to me was a fully functional, not dead guardian, staring at me with it's terrifying eye. I slowly crawled backwards,not directly looking at it as to not trigger it, and did a small whistle for H/n. I realized that I made a mistake by doing that because it lurched towards me, it's whirring sound becoming more violent and loud. Thankfully I heard my horse whinny and I sat there for a moment, then burst up and ran for all I'm worth.

The guardian then flashed a florescent blue and pink, chasing me down immediately while shooting lasers. H/n reared back and turned on her hooves, running beside me as I passed her, not taking the time to stop and mount as I leaped over her rear, landing on the saddle. I landed a little off, however, and started falling to the side. To keep from sliding further, I grabbed the horse from around her neck and dug my feet into her side. I felt bad when I heard her make a distressed sound, but I'd make it up to her later.

I hoisted myself up and after settling a bit, I made H/n speed up. "Faster girl!" I yelled. She complied, and we ran forward, the guardian trailing behind us.

After being chased for over five minutes now, I've managed to make it to the wall of the plateu - but no way to get up. Scrounging the area all while running from the mechanical beast chasing me, I saw a large pile of loose rocks, clinging onto the wall only by a small rock wedged in there. I grabbed my bow and shot an arrow at the small rock, and I was relieved by how the wall broke down into something like a ramp.

Urging H/n forward, we ascended the ramp, but much to my chagrin, so did the guardian. To add to the situation, the ramp we made only went so far as to near the top, not all the way. The rouge was catching up to us quickly, and I made the quick decision to make H/n jump the gap that stopped us from reaching the top.

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