Prompts are Out!

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Yep, I was late posting this... BUT for a good cause. A friend of mine had a party. It had blue cupcakes and (virgin, cause I'm underage 😧) wine. Who says no to that?! And we all painted something.

Alright, so I've been reading your comments, and so far I've seen some pretty darn cute ideas. I've decided to pick the top three, and I'm keeping all the others cataloged, cause I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to do all of them heheh. Well, here they are:

Modern AU. Fluff, humor.  It's a rainy day, and Link decides to appear out of nowhere, saying he wanted to spend the day with reader. He is soaked, and reader drags him into her home and dries him off, scolding him for probably getting sick. Of course he doesn't care, he just wanted to see her today.

2. Modern AU. Fluff, tiny bit of angst, humor. Link finds himself cast into our world. He is confused and causes chaos wherever he goes. Reader wakes up to find him in her backyard, and after a very confusing talk, decides to help Link into a normal life, unknowingly helping herself too.

3. Same universe. Fluff, jealousy. Link is a ladies' man without meaning to, and is oblivious to every girl that flirts. Reader, albeit jealous, decides to hold back and let him do his thing, but when other guys start to notice her, Link's not one to stay back and watch.

There we go, now you can vote on the one you want to read. All you have to do is comment the prompt number and when the vote ends, I'll begin writing the prompt out, whichever wins. Like I said, there's a possibility that I may end up with making a whole oneshot book because, well, it's hard to resist writing all these cute ideas 😅.

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