Need your opinion

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The gif has nothing to do with my story, just thought it was funny (and mean)


Anyways, I have some things that I don't know if I will have on the story or not. Feel free to voice your opinion or add something you might want to see in later chapters!

1: Wolf Link 🐶
I do not know whether to add him or not, because it's like a thing messing with the time line and stuff. I thought that if I do add him in, he would be like the hero's shade in twilight princess, where he is merely a spirit who would assist the new generation of Links or something close to that. Any ideas? Or just no doggo at all?

2: Love Triangles 💞
So, zelink is pretty much canon in there, and everybody else is in love with your man in the game, so like does she have to show that he is hers without him noticing and later on when they know their feelings for another, he figures out why she's always stiff around flirty ones. There could also be ones where Link is just oblivious that some person is flirting and he goes along with it and she just freaks out on said person, dragging link by the ear (the ear part's alittle overboard)?

3: Asks 💬
They will be doing the missions that you would do in the real game, but the world's so big and I plan on making it like that in here too, so like what would they do in between missions or on the way there? I have my overall layout of that stuff, just need some details, but I was thinking that y'all could request something, like ' how about a day where the duo stays at an inn for the night and Link ends up cooking for everyone that night in the main hall?' Like that. (I plan on adding that it there )

4: Angsty Parts 💔
There will be sad parts, sure. But I mean like, there's a fight between the two in some chapter and it could last a chapter or two. There could even be a specific fight that ruins them for a while until somebody has to step up and give one of them a good slap in the face (Kass ot Paya for sure) and it ends with one coming back and a cute/sad talk with tears? Or any other ideas, I've never written angst, so help could do.

That's all I can think of for now, and I don't want to take over the story parts myself when I think that y'all could have a choice, like each person has a different feature that they want to see happen in Link or the girl (you). I mean, it is an xreader, and you're the reader, so ask me for something you would see yourself doing with Link or others, and I'll put a thought to it! Sorry for blowing up the notifications, this has been in my drafts for a day or two, so why not read this while reading the newest chapter?
Anyways have a good day (or night, if you are on the other side of the Earth) 😊

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