chpt.11 I Thought you Were Tired

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It was noon the next day my leg felt almost fully better and my fever was totally gone, leaving me feeling giddy and happy.

Link on the other hand.... well, I will say that he is trying at least.

Throughout the talk with the old man about the specifics of what we were to be doing, Link nodded off at least four times now.

Every time he did that, I was forced to lightly smack the back of his head and tell him to stay up.

I felt bad, honestly, he barely got sleep the last two nights, the most recent -last night- he was stirring constantly and mumbling to himself, possibly having a nightmare it seemed. Whenever he dozed off, I was easy on him but told him that he's going to need to be awake on the trek to.... wherever we're going.

I planned to keep my guard up, for while my trust of the man has improved over the last few days, I was still unclear of his intentions and how he seemed to know of the Sheikah Slate.

I got the information of what I was to be looking for, a pedestal amongst a cluster or rocks. If the pedestal was like the one in Link's cave, I forgot to mention that in the past chapters when they were in it sorry it was probably small, so those details didn't help too much. The big cluster of rocks could be helpful in looking for it, though.

After saying our farewells to the man and our thanks as well, Link and I headed out East towards where I was guessing the point was.

I looked to our right and gazed at the ruined Temple Of Time, a once very beautiful establishment, or so I heard. I stared at it in interest for a while, but a bright light in the corner of my eye made me look down.

Not too far ahead of us, an axe was fixed into the side of a log. I assumed it was the old man's,  whom name I still did not know, and grabbed it. I'm sure he wouldn't mind, with us doing a favor for him and all.

I looked to Link, who seemed to be very not amused with the fact that he was going for a long walk. "I am sooo tireeed." He sang-songed half heartedly. The day was hot as well, and his hair was matted to his head already.

I could feel my temperature rising under my clothes as well, and no, not because of the person next to me, but because the weather was really humid complemented by the heat.

"Wow, it got hot way too fast, it's barely past 10." Link commented, looking at the suns position. "I know right? Imagine what it's gonna feel like at noon." Link shuffled his legs as he walked, his feet barely even leaving the ground. "It could be this shirt that's making it worse for me, we need something to cool off soon."

I wiped my brow and agreed with him, and we kept small conversation.

About an hour later, I was answering to a weird question about 'if somebody told you not to listen to what they say, for they always lie, are they lying when they say that?', when Link stopped dead in his tracks.

I kept walking though and since I was looking at my feet contemplating the question, I walked straight into him and fell.

"The hell, man?" I asked, picking up the arrows that fell out my quiver when I dropped to the ground. Link turned around, suddenly having a smile on his face and not looking so tired anymore.

"Look to your left." He demanded, and I did.

My face lit up when my eyes came in contact with not only the boulders that may hold the pedestal, but a little more to it's left, there was a lake that was practically begging me to jump in and cool off.

"Awwwwww yeaaaaah!" My throat immediately felt dry, and I had to hold myself down to keep me from running straight off the edge and into the water. I looked to Link, and he was pretty much bouncing on his heels.

He turned to me, red faced and sweaty, "The boulders can wait, since we already know where it's at and it's only 11, we have the whoole day."

How could I disagree? The only problem is that these are our only clothes, and wet pants tend to rub your legs raw and not to mention... other parts that get sore from walking in them.

"Oh hell with it, what will a nice cool off hurt when we have time to kill?"

He pointed a finger towards a ledge and let it sit there. I was curious to what he was doing so I stood and watched.

He stared at that one spot in silence, then in under half a second, his shirt was off, hair down and shoes missing in the brush, a cloud of dust from where Link used to be, and a half naked teen doing a very ungraceful flip into the water.

Just like that, he was gone, only shoes, a shirt, and a hair tie was left of where he once stood.

I chuckled and took my equipment off, I don't want to get it all wet. It hit me all too fast though, "LINK, IS THE SLATE WATERPROOF?!"

I yelled to him, sprinting to the ledge he jumped from. I looked down and went to find him, but he disappeared.

"Great, he's missing. What am I going to tell the maAAAHHHHHH!"

My sentence was cut short when I felt a pair of hands grab my forearms and throw me into the water. I was able to catch my breath right before I hit the surface of the lake, luckily.

I opened my eyes, and the water was amazingly clear, and I saw some bass swim by in the crystalline water. I pulled myself up and I took a deep breath of air, I was deeper than I thought.

I looked up and saw Link hanging on some rocks directly underneath the ledge, laughing so much that his face was red. Like, not warm red, but beet red.

"Y-you hah, should've.. seen your f-faace! Ah, this hurts my.. stomach!" He said in between laughs to catch his breath.

"That wasn't funny. You are soo dead." I breathed. I honestly could not be mad at him though, his fit of laughter was one of the purest things I think I ever saw and heard.

In under three days, I think I stumbled upon the living definition of perfect.

Off of that topic though, Link jumped back into the water and stayed there, watching me and trying to keep a straight face. "Come at me, show me what you got." He said, his voice breaking and lip quivering. Was it that funny?

"That was not funny!"

"It was, you know it, and yes, the slate is fine. Now let's have some fun."

"I thought you were tired!"

Yey, a chapter is done, a little more of a playful one, but it's gonna get dark in the next one, she's going to murder link. Jk, I don't plan on writing a sad chapter till wayyy later into the story, I got it scripted and it's going to hurt to write it that's for sure. Oh well, y'all just have to wait. Anyways thar you go, enjoy. I must sleep now

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