chpt. 21 Tell me Otherwise

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OOOOOHOHOOOOOOOHOHHHHHH GUYS I HAVE GOOD NEWS But I'm sure y'all want your chapter first so I'll save my small speech till the end of this, love y'all and here ya go!

I had absolutely no idea how this had happened.

I was pretty sure I was on the other side of the tree when I dozed off; yet... when I woke up in the middle of the night, I found myself engulfed in a warm, soft, blond-haired blanket.

I couldn't stop the blood rushing to my cheeks and spreading to my ears, and I was more than thankful that Link was asleep at the time.

When did we end up like this? Hell, how did we even MANAGE to end up like this?!

Though... I had to admit Link was acting as an amazing blanket. Despite that, I still had the urge to wriggle away from his grip so as not to make things unbearably awkward and embarrassing when I woke up the next morning.

Not only that, but there is also a good chance I'd fall right out of the tree and flat onto my face if I try to escape him. Yeah, that's a good reason not to get up.

I thought to myself, before just giving up on excuses. I didn't really care anymore, if I could just get to sleep and try to forget about i.....

I woke up to many shades of beautiful greens and yellows. The dewy leaves glinted in the early sun casting a warm golden glow to the world around me.

Speaking of around me..... I also forgot I was on the other side of the tree from where I fell asleep.

And was now encased in another body.

Oh shit, I forgot. this isn't happening. This is a dream, a fantasy. Wait, why would I have a fantasy of him?! Ugh I'm not helping myself.... oh goddesses what do I do.

I didn't know whether I should get out of his grasp and chance him on waking up- meaning to deal with the awkwardness, or just wait for him to wake up so I could get onto him. Wait. But I was the one on his side of the tree.

Over the night, I must have moved next to him and -baddabing baddaboom- here I am wrapped in his arms.

I looked at the green environment, trying to decide what I should do now. After a bit of arguing with myself against my brain and body, I lightly touched his hand and went to grab a finger.

He stirred, making me flinch at the movement, but all he did was wrap his arm tighter and mumble something about a monkey named Malakos. (Inside jokes SNRK)

"This is it. This is how I die man. And I thought the tower was bad... goddesses help me in my time of need, what the hell do I do?!" I whispered to myself, letting my body lean into his warmth, despite my mind's screaming and tearing itself apart.

Good god, I'm so dumb! Just get up and get going before it's too late to do two shrines!

At the thought of having a job to do, I sighed and took one last look at the sleeping cuti-NO.

After getting my fair share of his adorablenes-STOP I wriggled from under his arm and rolled out and away to safety.

"Okay, okay. I didn't die. Good. Why it took me so long? Doesn't matter, you're out he's good I'm good were all good. Great, now I'm rambling shut up before he wa-"

"You didn't answer your own question."

Oh goddesses I'd rather three guardians than this Noo PLEASE.

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