chpt.9 feverish

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So this is somewhat impromptu, but I'm sure it'll work out. Anyways, back to the story!

"...." barely audible.

"Ev....ine.!" A voice?

"Evangeline?! Are. You. Okay?"

I shot up, a familiar voice waking me up.

On my way up, I hit my head on something soft- hair?

"Ugh, that hurt." I heard someone say, but as I looked around for who said it, I saw nothing but a blurry mess. I squinted as my vision adjusted to the bright light- too bright.

I soon began to make out the shape of a gorgeous boy. Oh wait..... I know him! "Link! Wh-what happened?!" I stood up, which was a big mistake. My left leg burned and set my body on fire, and my head exploded into a million shards of pain and no agony. "Holy shit!" I cried as I fell to the ground, only to be caught by my friend.

Wait. Is he a friend? Or merely an acquaintance?

I shook my head. Where is my mind right now? I keep getting sidetracked and not focusing on things, all I feel is pain and confusion.

"Did you hear me?"

I looked up towards the person questioning me, Link. I simply sat and stared, and he every so slightly put his wrist on my forehead.

His hands were freezing.

"You're burning like a wildfire. Are you feeling well?"

I shook my head an lied back down, not caring that my head was on his shoulder and half my body sprawled over his.

I noticed the old man wasn't here. "Where's he at?" I asked, not mentioning who I was talking about. "Hm?" The vibration from his neck when he talked felt good against my cheek.

What the hell am I doing, laying on him?! I can't just do this to a stranger. Well, he's not really that much of a stranger, but I shouldn't do this to anybody, much less him.

But I didn't move away; if anything I moved closer, enjoying how his skin was cool against my own hot skin.

If my leg didn't kill me, this fever would.

"Where's the guy?" I mumbled quietly, my voice cracked and burning my throat. It felt like I ate fire for dinner last night, not delicious meat and fish skewer, which was also stained on my clothes. Only then, did I notice that the reason I felt my skin was because my shirt was missing.

My shirt was off.

"The hell's my shirt?!" I said as loud as I could, which wasn't that loud. I felt Link's neck go hot under me, indicating his blush.

"I-I, erm, had to remove it. The man told me you were overheating and if I didn't do something about it, you wouldn't make it through the night. Your life is a little more important than modesty, don't you think? At least your bindings are still there."

"Also, the man's out to look for something to help with your fever." He added quickly to change the subject, definitely uncomfortable now.

I would've commented on it, but I could care less now. "Where's it at though?"

"I washed it last night for you, it's hanging up in the tree outside of here to dry. I also took your gloves off, they're over there." He nodded his head to near the back of the cave, and true to his word, they lied there nearly stacked next to my bag and weapons, which were clean as well.

"Why'd you clean up all this? And why did the man risk his life for some medicine?" I asked, touched.

Nobody's cared for me like these strangers have since my parents died seven years ago.

I felt Link's body moving, until I noticed he was carrying me to the wall, and sat down with me still in his lap. I honestly didn't mind, I would prefer this over sitting on the hard ground.

Have I mentioned how soft he is? His shirt feels nice too.

Wait. He doesn't have a shirt, it was on my leg, bloodied up.

I looked at his chest, and noticed a fuzzy emerald green coat over a soft long sleeve shirt.

"The old man gave it to me last night. He had no need of it, and it was a bit chilly. To be honest, you're hotter than this shirt though."

I could've swore I saw him quirk his eyebrows, but I didn't know, it could be my fever playing tricks. Maybe when he said I was 'hotter', he didn't mean temperature wise.

Or maybe you're making everything he does more dramatic than what it really is, of course he ain't flirting. He's too dorky for that.

"Sure I was."

I answered sarcastically. His cheeks become a very light tint of pink. It may be because my skin plus the insulating clothing he had on.

"Good to know we are on the same page." He choked out, his throat seeming not to function.

Did I do something wrong? Oh my goddesses, are my hands or something somewhere they shouldn't be? I didn't notice!

I moved my arms behind my back in case, but he still was pink. Oh well, I tried.

"Are you okay, Link?" He looked away from me to the cloudy sky outside, slightly stuttering

"Nothing, I'm good, how about you?"

Although I had a monsterous headache, a fever, and my leg was screaming all in different ways, I was comfortable and content in Link's lap.

I hummed quietly in response and laid my head back down in the crook of his neck. Slowly, I felt Link's body relax, and he sighed as the first droplets of rain patterned on the ground to the left of him- which was the right of me, since I wast facing him.

It was almost late, so that meant I slept through most of the day. He said the man left earlier, so he should be back by tonight, hopefully.

I've grown close enough to him to care if he made it back or not.

He saved not only my leg, but also possibly my life, if I got blood poisoning or worse.

In about half an hour, I felt weight on my head, and saw that Link was lying his own on mine, signaling he either fell asleep, or was just closing his eyes.

I knew I shouldn't be doing this, but I scooted in closer to him anyways, his (not suprisingly) soft hair tickling my neck.
If I got this every time I got a fever, I'd sign up for it. Being feverish has its upsides.

As promised, here's your chapter!

Eh, I could've done more honestly. Or skipped the part where she wakes up and is sick, to where she could be totally fine and ready to start doing what the man asked (going to the sheikah tower, but she don't know that yet), but why miss out on the part where Link gets to hold her while she recovers, and she unknowingly agreed with his small attempts at flirting when she didn't even get the hint? Idk, I felt like thos would be better, even though it's off the main plot. The next chapter should be going back to the main part, which is the tower, shrine stuff so they can get back down. Has a good day, bai

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