Chpt. 25 Weak

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"....Wㅡwhat? That can't be true, can it?"

I glanced at Link, who was looking at me for answers, to which I did not have, feeling sadness for the boy that has become my close friend. He, once smiling, was now on the verge of falling to his knees. The king - as we have found out - sighed, before continuing.

"I'm afraid it is, and she is still in there, waiting for you to arrive, hopeful. Despite your death, the princess has faith in you." Link shook his head slowly, distraught while the spirit turned to both of us. I was surprised, he had made it clear that he did not want me here and had yet to adknowledge my presence since we arrived.

He hesitantly floated forward and handed the paraglider to me, much to my astonishment, before backing up to see us two again.

"I know I have no right to ask you of this, but Hyrule depends on you," Looking to me, he continued. "I assume you know where Kakariko village is." He said blankly as I nodded, hiding my emotions under a straight face. "Good, because Link will need to be going there. There he'll find Impa, the Sheikah tribe elder, she will help him on his journey." I couldn't help but notice the way he used 'Link' and 'his' strictly, completely throwing me out of the equation. Trying to hide the hurt in my expression, I nodded again and turned away from the two.

I don't belong in this, I should've just jumped out of it when he first told me to. I thought to myself, hearing as the men behind me talked some more to the blond about what to do. I looked down to my hands, which held the paraglider, and set it to the ground. "I'm going to need a minute guys, I'll be down near the statue."

Without giving them time to answer, I jumped down, leaving the tower before climbing off the roof and walking to the other side of the temple. Looking around and trailing my fingers against the wall while walking towards the goddess statue, I admired the once grand setting, now taken over by nature.

I sighed, sitting down on the steps that led to the statue. I sat forward on my knees, using my elbows to support me and hands to cover my face.

This was too much for me. Between losing a close friend, going through shrines, feeling feelings, having so much confusion, and being in a place I'm not even wanted by the person asking me to help someone else - who happens to make my stomach churn in so many different ways - it seems the grand scheme of life hates me at the moment.

"I was just here for some money." I laughed sadly to myself, taking a shaky breath before I wiped my face in disgust, feeling hot tears. No. I can't cry, not today I'm not weak. But they fell anyways.

"I'm so weak..."

Hearing a voice, I quickly sniffed and wiped my face with my shirt. "Y/n! Check this out!" I heard Link's voice yell from the rooftop. I looked up a little bit, and waited for whatever he was talking about. Then I saw a blur of red.

Link was flying. Or at least he was trying to. He moved awkwardly and tried to keep himself steady in the air. At last he got ahold of it, and he was making a safe landing to the ground, but out of nowhere he lurched backwards then forwards as he let go with a yelp. The paraglider wafted into the grass with a soft-ish landing, while Link landed on his rear rather harshly.

As though I wasn't even sad a minute ago, I failed to contain the giggles that erupted from my mouth while he stood up and complained about his tailbone loudly. He cried out things like "walk it off, walk it off" and "ouch, my arse" all the while holding onto his butt.

Clumsily, he to ahold of the paraglider and trotted over to me with a pained grin on his face. "You didn't see any of that did you?" He asked timidly. I shook my head with a small smile. "See what." With that, he stood taller and laughed. "Well, you missed it then. I nailed it on the first try." He blew a piece of hair out of his face, before looking at me and seeing my red eyes.

Almost immediately, he dropped the paraglider and sat next to me hurriedly. "What happened, are you okay?" He asked with worry, grabbing my arm and inspecting it, probably looking for any wounds. Smiling a little, I took his hand with my other and set it down by his lap.

"No, no, I'm okay... just thinking is all." I looked at my feet. "About what? You can tell me." I shook my head. I'm not about to tell him my thoughts.

"Nothing, it's dumb." I said

"I'm sure it's not. Tell me."

"I'm serious."

"I'm serious."

"You're ridiculous!"

"I'm not, you just won't tell me what's wrong even though something is obviously wrong!"

"Why's it matter to you anyways?!"

"Cause you matter to me!"

Silence ensued, and I stared at him. He sighed, his gaze softening. "Look I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell. You matter to me, so whatever is bothering you matters to me too, okay?" He looked down and ran a hand through his hair, such a habit for him.

"Okay." He looked up at me, surprised that my stubbornness wore out. Sighing, I looked up at the ceiling.
"I'm not supposed to be here, Link. For any of this, I'm not even supposed to know you. You're here to save the world - I was just here to find some cool treasure and get out, earn myself some money. Then this happens, and I'm not even wanted here by the guy who set this up for you. I was supposed to leave, he wanted me to leave, but I couldn't, because of you. You entranced me, and I was having so much fun with you just being near me. But you have a great story ahead of you, and I don't belong in it, I'm just a robber, you don't need me. I'm lost on what to do right now, I feel weak, the world is swallowing me whole. Happy now?"


I looked at him, shocked. I tell him what's making me feel so down, something I never do to anyone. And all he says is no. I scoff and look away from him, towards the wall to my left. "Well, thanks for your consideration." I say. "Well, thanks for not letting me finish." He retorts as I rolled my eyes, but he gently grabbed my chin, making me jump, and turned my face towards his.

"I'm not happy with what you said, cause alot of it is centered around your self-doubt. That doesn't make me happy. And, your lying to yourself too. The world could only swallow you whole if you allowed it to. You do belong here. I do need you. You aren't weak at all. You are right about one thing, I do have a great story ahead of me, but let it be known that it wouldn't be half as great if you weren't there."

He gave me a quick but tight hug, strong arms engulfing my smaller frame, and I took in his smell, before he stood up and smiled. "I'm going to practice using the paraglider, don't want that same landing from before, but from a mile high. Oh, and wipe those tears, you look better happy." With that Link grabs the paraglider and walks away. Touching my face, I felt that I indeed had tears on my cheeks. But I'm not sad.

I'm not weak.

Wowow. Feelings. Stuff. Paraglider. Self-doubt. Big talks. Anyways, hope you liked it. What with my writers block that I still kind of have rn, and things going on at home, this chapter may or may not have been hard to write.

Oh also, by Friday I'm going to put out the best prompts for y'all to vote on me to write, so if you want, hurry and put your ideas in the Comments below or pm me if you don't want others knowing what you wanted.


"The world could only swallow you whole if you allowed it to." -alexlightstories on wattpad

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