chpt 19. Snow Problem

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Oh hello lovelies, how are you all today? Or tonight. Or- just whatever don't mind my stupidness... either way, I want to say thanks on all the voters, followers, and people who added my book to their reading lists! Also a thanks to N4V1-N0V4 for the help on this chapter ( I struggled like hell to do snow scenes they're so hard ×_×) annnnnnnnd hope you enjoy!!

It's been an hour since Link and I reached the entrance and was interrupted by a bokoblin scouting it's camp.

Since then, we've climbed the mountain, laughing at how Link shivered but still looked at the land below us in awe. I shivered as well, and slapped myself. Sadly, Link somehow noticed with those wolf senses of his, and turned to me with a frown. "You're still cold aren't you?" I nodded. "I was going to say 'no', but you would already know that I was lying. So yeah, I'm freezing."

Link looked at his chest then to mine.

No, he's not looking at your chest for that reason, stop it hormones, you're ruining me!

I then watched as he sighed then grabbed a whole bunch of peppers from his seemingly never-ending bag and walked back over to the empty camp of bokoblins towards the fire. I followed, my arms wrapped around each other and my body, and watched him sauté the peppers. Great, I hate spicy food. But it's either that or hypothermia soo. Before I went to grab the sautéed peppers, Link grabbed my wrist.

"What are you thinking, eating my food?"

What?! "I thought you was making it for me, I mean, you got that shirt, and peppers are hot, soooooo.."

He stared, then laughed at me. "You thought these were for you?" He asked, wiping a non-existent tear for added effect.

I punched him -hard- in the shoulder and sat down across the fire. "I guess I'll make my own then, asshole." He laughed again, but quieter, and responded. "There's no need for you to eat any peppers, my friend. You're not gonna need em', or you'll be too hot."

I glanced at him, dumbfounded. "What?"

He stood up and walked around the fire to where I was, and I stared as he took off his doublet and shoved it over my head. "Wait what? NO, I'm not taking the shirt!" You took it off and thanked the Goddesses that it was so cold that your blush could be hidden from the sight above you.

"Yes you are.. why do you think I made the peppers for myself?" Your thoughts left to the night before, when he made you take more food than him. "Un uh, you haven't had a nice meal in one hundred years, you need some." I defended "You cooked it and helped me over the past few days." He argued " Well y-" Link put a hand to my mouth to shush me. "This stuff is going to have to last us, you need more for energy and warmth. I have a warm outfit, not you. No more arguing, you get more than I, that's final.

" ..... "You jerk, you was planning this since yesterday weren't you?! You made me eat more food than you, eat peppers, and now take your shirt? Why are you so worried about me?" You inquired, and watched intently as he stepped forward a little.

"Cause I wanna make sure you stay safe, I owe you a lot, and I care." Link responded.

I tensed, unprepared for an answer like that. I decided not to press on, and accepted the shi-doublet.

"Thank you." It already smelled like him, pine forest, sweat, and appl- why am I smelling the shirt?! Weirdo! I stood up and pushed the plate towards him, shivering when I touched his cold skin.

"You need to eat this, now. Don't want you getting hypothermia, do we?" And smiled when he took the whole meal into his mouth.

You're gonna feel that real soon. As soon as I thought that, Link's ears drooped, his face turned completely red, and he started jumping around.

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