Chpt. 17 flower crowns

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What what? I'm back from the dead! I accidentally became in love with another game..... Undertale took my soul!! AHHH IT'S JUST SO GOOOOD, SANS IS MY FAVEORITE😍😍😍 .... Sorry

It's been an hour since Link and I climbed the tower Ärger and learned to make points on the map, now we are walking towards out first point- the one in the mountains.

"Soo.. farthest first, then round back around to the first one, right?" Link recaps, and I turn around to see him braiding two flowers together and picking up another every once in a while.

"Yep, pretty much how it is. This kind reminds me of my usual rounds for my job.... And, what... Are you doing?"

He looked from me to his full hands and back to me. He lifts it up some looking at me like I was a clueless child. "Flower crown?" He questioned me, genuinely surprised that I didn't know what that was.

He made a tsk sound and clicked his tounge. "Here. Watch." He grabbed one more flower off the ground, and I hurried to stop him but it was too late.

"Do you know what that is?! You can't just pick a silent princess like that!" I scrambled.

He shrunk away, somewhat scared by my sudden outburst. "What's wrong with picking a flower?" I sighed at his question.

I have to be patient with him, remember, because he can't.

"You see, that flower you just picked is a rare beauty- my favorite as well. It's called a silent princess, named due to the princess' love for them. It's become a thing to only pick one for a wedding ceremony, but otherwise, don't even touch it."

Link looked down to the flower in his hand and apologized, seeming guilty. I lied a hand on his shoulder, it's not his fault after all.

"Eh, you get this time on the house. Next time though, I might not go as easy on you." He smiled shyly and twirled his finger around the stem of the flower. "I'll make sure not to, but first, watch this." He delicately took the end of the stem and pushed it into the rest of the crown.

I scooted closer to him, watching intently. If you looked into the inside of the crown, there were the stems of all the flowers wrapped around each other in intricate detail.

He let out small breaths and I took my gaze off of his work and to him. His electric blue eyes weaved back and forth like his hands and his chest rose and fell evenly with the smallest of smiles tugging at his lips.

Geeze, I'm falling for this guy wayyy too easily. Calm down heart.

I thought to myself, looking back to the activity.

I was amazed by how steadily he moved the stem around the others and soon enough the flower was carefully placed in the crown and easily became the jewel of the headpiece. "Whoa, that's really pretty actually." I said and backed up, continuing to walk forward.

"But you still have the whole other half to do."

"Heh, thanks. It should be done soon." I looked up towards the approaching mountain. "Why are you making that thing anyways?" I saw him shrug out of the corner of my eye.

"To pass the time really, it's a long walk. Also, it takes my kind off of my hunger. Mm, I could really use some food right now. Crap now my stomach is going crazy."

As if on cue, I heard a low growl, and I laughed when Link looked away in embarrassment.

He fell into silence as he plucked another wildflower by his foot, leaving me to check the surroundings some more. The trees started to grow thicker and bushes of something were growing in a spot near a ruined home.

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