chpt. 10 Remedies

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Holy cow, I got 2K READS?! WHAT. THANK YOU! Jeeze, I never expected this lol it hits me in the heart. In a good way of course. I sometimes get really nice comments about this story and it really makes my day alot better, giving me a nice smile. Here is the chapter that I promised.

There we sat, Link dozed off about forty minutes ago, his head now on my left shoulder.

I tried to close my eyes a few times, but my whole body -especially my head- was throbbing too much.

The man has not arrived yet, and the slight sprinkling that came earlier was now gone, the sun almost falling behind Mt. Hylia. I was mistaken in the other chapter, for I said it was Mt. Lanayru. It isn't Mt. Lanayru.

I just sat there, not wanting to disturb the person I'm laying on.

Speaking of, now is the perfect time to get a full view of what he looks like.

I barely scooted an inch to he right, so that I could crane my neck and get a good look of Link.

His electric blue eyes were closed, his long eyelashes curling over. His lips were ever do slightly twisted, showing he was calm, and his expression was peaceful.

I saw faint scars on different places of his face, and noticed a prominent one splayed across his temple that trailed down to his neck, ending on top of a vital artery. A fatal wound that should have killed him very quickly.

How in the hell? It looks like the scar is really old, so he was pretty small when it happened. But if that happened even now, he wouldn't survive that, much less as a child.

I would've liked to ask him, but I thought about how he has no memories whatsoever asides from his instincts and knowledge of how to do things, like combat or survival skills.

Anyways, back to his features, stop getting lost. This is your best chance to get a good look, don't waste it, I tell myself.

I glanced back down to him again only to be cut off when that same voice from before interrupted my little gazing session. I looked to Link's hip and saw the slate was glowing, saying inaudible words at first. "..." "L.n." "Link. Head to the point marked on your Sheikah Slate." The girl's voice ordered.

I fumbled with the slate carefully, not to wake him up.

I proved to have a hard time.

My hands were shaking due to me not feeling well. I also couldn't keep my eyes on the clasp around his pants, but more onto where it was next to.

What in the name of Hylia is wrong with me, stupid hormones. Focus. I had to shuffle my body to the right more, since I needed to get a better grip and to keep Link from waking. I felt his body move , however, as I got the second clasp free.

I kept my head down, but moved my eyes to see that Link was now looking at me, confused and in a daze, still obviously tired. And obviously adorable.

Shut up.

"What'd she say now?" I sat up, almost forgetting that my body was on fire.


"Hhhh, that definetly did not feel good." I said, then realized I never answered his question. "Oh, she said to 'head to the point marked on your Sheikah Slate' or whatever. I was going to check it but you woke up."

I put a hand to my head. Nope, still not good. Link nodded and I gave the slate to him. His eyes were still foggy, meaning he was way ready to go back to sleep. He turned it on, however he did that, and I watched as it automatically went to some sort of... map?

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