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Tonight was movie night. My boyfriend of two years, Simon, and I decided to have one every once in a while so that we could spend some time together. See, he was always busy filming videos or editing them for his YouTube channel, whilst I was busy with uni. Of course, we lived together, but that didn't mean we saw each other very often. Our sleeping schedules were very different and so were our working hours, so we agreed to bathe in the time we had together whenever we had the chance. Thus creating Movie Night.

I had just come back from school, and Simon had promised that he wouldn't be busy filming or editing tonight so the two of us could watch a romantic comedy together. He liked comedies, I loved the romance, so we decided that a romantic comedy was the happy in-between. I was so excited, my heart was tingling.

I dumped all of my stuff on the dining table which was right in front of the door of the little flat the two of us shared. I let my warm coat slowly slide down my arms and then went to hang it up on the coatrack. I was surprised Simon hadn't already shown up to greet me; usually, as soon as he heard the sound of my feet on the polished wooden floor, I would be in his arms within seconds.

That didn't happen today, which made me slightly suspicious of what was going on. Sometimes, although rare, I came home to find Simon asleep behind his three moniters, his editing software still up and running. The thought of it made me smile, so I tip-toed down the hallway to our shared bedroom, which is where he recorded and edited most of his videos.

I already had a smile on my face, adoring how young and innocent my boyfriend looked when he was asleep, but my heart sunk when I didn't find him in our room. I straightened my back and frowned, looking back in the direction of the kitchen and living room.

'Simon?' I called out, and my voice echoed slightly. No response. Not even the quietest sound of a slight movement.

He wasn't in the flat.

My bottom lip quivered.

I walked back into the living room and looked at the coatrack behind the front door.

His jacket was gone and his shoes were missing. He had obviously left to go somewhere.

Then I heard something vibrate, and turned around abruptly to see his phone lying on the coffee table in front of the couch. The screen was facing upwards and was lit up, showing he had received a notification.

I wasn't usually the kind of person that would check through someone else's phone, but this time curiosity took over. It was probably just a notification from twitter anyway. I walked over and peered at his screen, and then my heart stopped and I forgot how to breathe.



Samantha? His phone screen turned off and I decided to ignore it, thinking maybe it was a friend, or one of the boys' girlfriends I hadn't heard about yet. Or maybe it was one of Sarah's or Freya's friends. Anyway, it wasn't something I should worry about, I told myself. I trust him, right?

I was about to walk into the kitchen to make myself some tea, but I froze in my tracks when Simon's phone buzzed again. I frowned, and walked over to see what it was again.



Babe? Who the hell was this? Who was calling my boyfriend babe? 

Another buzz.


Did you forget your phone again? xx

Again? Why again? Where was Simon?

And then it all sunk in. I ran into my room and grabbed a suitcase, pulling clothes out of our closet and stuffing it all into the bag, packing as much as I could. I ran back into the living room with tears streaming down my face, grabbing my car keys and uni stuff. I locked the door behind me and took the couple of seconds I had in the elevator to wipe the tears from my cheeks. The feeling of tear-stained cheeks was suddenly new to me again.

I unlocked my car and threw everything in the boot, then drove off, not really knowing where I was going.

Simon's Point of View

One month and I still hadn't heard from her. It's been one month since I've seen her beautiful face. It's been one month since she always replied to all my texts within a minute, answered all my calls with a 'Hello handsome,' and one month since she's blocked my number and blocked me on all social media.

It's like she didn't even exist anymore. And I hated it.

I was in what used to be our flat, but is now just mine, recording a Cards Against Humanity video with some of the boys. They knew how to keep me happy and cheer me up, and they knew that this game never failed to put a smile on my face, no matter the mood I was in. That, and it's been a while since I recorded one of these videos. I knew my subscribers loved them, so then that makes me and 5 million others happy.

Except I'm the one who failed to keep her happy.

The next black card showed up, reading What turns Simon on? And I immediately knew this was going to be a good round. We all had a laugh when it came to cards like these.

'Oh neil,' I heard Ethan say, making me chuckle. He always has the winning card when he says that.

'Okay,' Josh said, sounding pleased with his card choice. I was the Card Czar.

'Come on, Freezy!' I said. Yes, for once, CalFreezy was playing with us.

'Alright, alright,' He said and laughed, finally playing a card. All the white cards showed up, and I glanced at all of them for a split second, and bit my lip when my eyes landed on one in particular.

Simon, the sideman that can't get a girlfriend, and when he does, he cheats on her.

The ugly truth. All the boys were dying, I could almost hear the tears slip from Ethan's eyes as he choked on his own cackling. Tears were forming in my own eyes, too, but they weren't happy ones.

'To be fair, Simon, whoever made that card knows all the shit.' Vik said in Ethan's defence.

'Yeah, I know. I fucked up. I really did.'

'What are you going to do with the ring?' Josh asked.


So I  originally posted this as a one shot but so many people were asking for the next part, and I ended up writing 3 so far, so I decided to make it into a book :) I hope you like it. 

– Melanie

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