Chapter 22

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I know some of you like to listen to music whilst reading, so for this chapter I recommend listening to 'Hearts Don't Break Around Here', Ed Sheeran's new song. I'll write where in the chapter you should start listening to it. 

'Yo, are my girls changing into something nicer or not?' Freya asked Sarah and I, who were discussing school and photography and how everything is going in general, in the kitchen. 

'Pfft, no.' Sarah said and laughed. 'Besides, not like it matters. Josh has seen you in casual clothes and in no clothes, so I don't think anybody cares.' 

'I might want to change my outfit...' I said.

'Why do you still feel like you need to impress him? He's seen you in no clothes, too, I bet.' Sarah said and I blushed bright red. 

'Chill Saz, what are you wearing?' Freya asked her, who motioned down to what she was already wearing. Freya nodded. 'Fair enough,' 

Within the next hour, I pulled up in front of the cinema in my little matte black Fiat 500, dropping Freya and Sarah off so they could already buy the tickets for us. I was left to find ourselves a parking spot a couple metres away. I was lucky I drove a small car, as I fit in just about any spot. 

I parked the car and gathered all my stuff. I checked my makeup in the mirror flap hanging from the roof, and just as I was about to open my door I stopped myself as another car parked next to me. I looked up to see Simon in his car, who smiled and waved at me as he parked. Josh was sitting in the front next to him, and JJ, Vik and Callux sat squished together in the back. I laughed to myself as Vik struggled to unbuckle himself. Who decided JJ should sit in the middle?

'Hi, where's the rest?' Josh said, stepping out of his car after I did. 

I laughed. 'What a romantic nickname for your girlfriend. They've already gone inside to buy our tickets.' I told him. 

'Hi,' Simon walked up to me awkwardly and stood in front of me, opening his arms childishly. I giggled and walked into his embrace, then quickly said hi to the rest of the boys. 

We fought against the harsh evening wind as we walked to the entrance of the cinema, where we found Freya and Sarah sitting next to each other with multiple tickets in hand. 

'Where's Harry and Co?' Vik asked.

'They're late, as usual.' Callux said, referring to Harry, Ethan, Calfreezy and Tobi. We all dramatically rolled our eyes. 

Soon the rest arrived, and we found a row of empty seats in the very back. I followed behind Simon as we each went to find our seats. I made sure we sat close to an emergency exit, just in case something happened and I needed to leave. 

On the other side of me sat Harry, who also sat next to his girlfriend. I leaned forward to see that Freya and Sarah were sitting with their own boyfriends on the other side of the room, but in the same row. I felt the heat rise in my blood, panic already laced within, but I forced myself to calm down. I was sitting next to Simon, who had seen it all before and knew how to deal with my anxiety if something were to go wrong. I'll be fine. 

I took deep breaths and sat down, getting comfortable with my thick winter jacket thrown over my lap as if it were a blanket. And soon, the movie began and all the lights in the room dimmed down. 

Cue Hearts Don't Break Around Here by Ed Sheeran

The movie was a cliché love story that really made me cringe sometimes. The main characters were teenagers, making the whole thing even more dramatic as they continued going to school and got in fights with best friends. It was both of their first love, and neither of them had had their first kiss yet. I curled my toes, thinking back to the time that my life was just like theirs. 

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