Before You Read and FAQ

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Hey guys,

I'm Mel, and I'm the author of this book. Before you start reading, I just wanted to say that I really hope you enjoy it as I plan on publishing it once it's finished. It would really help me out if you point out any spelling mistakes or stupid mistakes like the age of characters, the day or things like that :) It will make editing the book a lot easier for me when I get to that point.

I also own all ideas and everything that happens in this book, unless stated otherwise. I sometimes do collabs for chapters with readers, so I always make sure to credit them if I've used their ideas. All other work is my own. The song Honeymoon Avenue by Ariana Grande inspired me to write this story.

The pictures and gifs used throughout the chapters are obviously not my own, unless stated otherwise. I get the majority of them from the amazing Sidefam on Tumblr.

I really hope you enjoy this book as I love writing it. I also make sure to read and hopefully reply to all the comments you leave, and greatly appreciate each and every single vote left on each chapter.

Thank you :)

Mel xx


What is your name?

My name is Melanie (Mel).

How old are you?

I'm 18.

Where are you from?

I'm Dutch and Swiss. Both my parents are Dutch but I've lived in Switzerland for most of my life. I can speak Dutch, English and French fluently. I also took Spanish for 4 years.

What are your hobbies?

I love horse riding, photography, playing around with makeup even though I'm allergic to it (I have to buy special products). I of course also love writing, as I started creative writing when I was 6.

What do you want to study?

I love English, especially creative writing, which I will be studying in uni in September.

Who's your favourite?

Simon ;)

Twitter: overworkdwriter

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