Chapter 61

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13 exams later, I finally found some time and motivation to write this for you guys :)

I was over the moon at the fact that Will was willing to come to the interview with me. In fact, I spent all night thinking about it whilst trying to fall asleep. By the time morning came, I felt like I had closed my eyes for a grand total of one hour, and I felt exhausted by the time I 'woke up'. I had left the hotel down the road quite late because I was so busy chatting away with everyone.

I willed myself to sleep for a little bit longer, but the strong Croatian sun that was shining through the blinds refused to let me. Instead, I reached over to my nightstand and picked up my phone, turning on the light as well. I frowned at my bright screen, seeing that it was already ten in the morning. I sifted through some of the notifications I got overnight, until one caught my attention.

The palms of my hands became sweaty straight away as I struggled to unlock my phone as quick as I could to get to my messages.

Josh: everything went well, Freya is exhausted tho. Want to come over this morning?

I took a taxi to the local hospital as fast as I could, buzzing to finally be able to meet the baby. The whole ride there, I was going back through the memories of when Freya told us she was pregnant, to her morning sickness, and now I would finally meet the little boy who was behind it all.

I quickly thanked the taxi driver and gave him a tip because I was just that excited and thrilled about the news (the driver didn't really do anything to deserve it but I did it nonetheless so he better be appreciative). The hospital was small and looked quite old on the outside, with vines and other plants of different colours climbing up the exterior walls. Inside, it was completely renovated, with a modern front desk and perfectly painted white walls decorated with pictures of baby feet and happy clients.

I walked up to the front desk and asked, "I'm looking for Freya Nightingale?"

The nurse nodded and clicked a couple of things on her computer. "Are you family?" She then asked me. It was clear her English wasn't perfect and her accent wasn't very easy to understand so I had to think about her question before I understood what she meant.

"I'm a close friend," I finally said. The receptionist pursed her lips, as if my answer wasn't good enough. Finally, she told me Freya's room number and loosely pointed in the direction of one of the hallways. I smiled at her as a thank you and took off to find the room.

Room 63... Room 63..., I kept repeating in my head until I found the door. I smoothed out my plain white t-shirt and took a deep breath before knocking twice.

"Come in!" I could hear Josh shout. I pressed down on the door handle slowly and peaked my head in before I entered the room. Freya was in the hospital bed underneath the sheets, dressed in a white hospital gown. She had her hair thrown up in a messy bun and she looked extremely tired, but she still had a small smile on her lips. Josh sat against the wall in a chair, and the couple were both looking at Simon, who sat in a chair next to Freya's bed holding a blue towel and smiling down at it. Simon's hair was a mess and he had dark circles under his eyes.

For a second I wondered if I came in at a wrong time, and when Simon looked up at me with a confused, almost judgemental look, I just wanted to sink into the floor and be invisible. "Hi," I breathed to all of them.

"Well, I guess that's my cue to go." Simon said, standing up carefully and placing the blue towel back on Freya's chest. "I'll be back later with some goodies from the supermarket. Peach rings from Haribo, right Freya?" He asked, inching closer to the door. I took a step to the side to let him leave after Freya nodded happily at him.

"I bet you've heard it so many times by now, but congratulations." I laughed awkwardly, folding my arms over my chest and looking at the floor.

"Thank you," Josh giggled. "Don't act so nervous, I bet he's more scared to meet you then you are to meet him."

"Hey! My son is not scared of my best friend!" Freya scolded him, giving him a look of mock anger. I laughed lightly, silently thanking them for lightning the mood.

"Come here, Lu. I want you to meet our son, Troye."

Troye was so quiet and calm the whole day, mainly holding onto people's fingers and snuggling himself deeper into his blue hospital towel. Josh, along with one of the nurses, showed me how to hold him properly so he wouldn't snap his neck (Freya peed herself laughing at how nervous I was). Later in the day, Freya invited some of the others down to meet her newborn baby and by the end, her room was filled with many different bouquets of flowers, blue baby clothes and toys, and many hand-written cards that were bought last minute.

"I really want a baby now," Lachlan joked with Josh whilst holding Troye for the first time.

"Yeah, good luck with that," I replied whilst rolling my eyes.

"Guys, don't make me laugh! It hurts," Freya complained from her hospital bed, a big smile on her face.

It was late and pitch black outside by the time all of the visitors left. Josh had fallen asleep in the seat next to Freya's bed, his head resting on the mattress. Freya was nearly asleep, too, cradling Troye in her arms with her eyes wide open. "Why don't you go home? It's been a long day." She offered.

"Well, I just wanted to apologise for all the shit I gave you through your pregnancy. You know I'm not usually the jealous type, but damn." I admitted, making her laugh.

"Don't stress over it," She replied. "I'm sorry for not taking you to the hospital with us last night. Simon was pretty clear about not wanting you there, no offence."

"None taken,"


Sorry this chapter was so boring and short (and it's pretty badly written but I promise the next ones will be better), and that I've been MIA for a while. I've finished my final exams and now I have nothing better to do, so I can focus on finishing this story :) And I'm graduating on this week!

Comment down below some of your questions for Lu's interview with Will!

All the love,

Mel xx

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