Chapter 4

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It was strange knowing that I was going to move into the same tower as some of the boys, but at the same time, it was reassuring that I'd still be able to see them whenever I wanted.

I was so looking forward to moving in with Sarah and Freya that when the day actually came, it didn't actually feel like I was moving, but rather like I was going on holiday somewhere.

I arrived last, unfortunately, having slept in too much. So when I arrived, the company that helped with moving our furniture was just about to leave. I dropped my handbag and extra suitcase on the floor in front of the door of our apartment, fumbling with my new keys, not aware that the door was already open.

'There she is!' I heard Freya's voice echo in the slightly empty living room.

'Lu!' Sarah cheered, emerging from one of the bedrooms further down the hall with a bright smile on her face.

I giggled and picked up my bags again, walking inside. The couches were already in place in the living room, and so was the coffee table and the TV, although the TV was still wrapped in bubble wrap.

'Wow, this is bigger than I thought it was,' I said, taking in my surroundings. Opposite the living room was a very white and bare kitchen, where some small grocery bags were already standing underneath the kitchen window.

'Come with us! You get to choose your room first,' Saz said, tugging on my arm. I turned around and smiled at her, following her and Freya down the little corridor.

'Why me?' I asked.

'Because it was your birthday and this was our birthday present to you, dipshit!' Sarah laughed and Freya giggled along. 'Okay, so this is the first room.' This one was the first one down the hall on the right. I quickly stepped inside and then back out, nodding my head. 'And there's the bathroom opposite it.' Freya pointed and as she said, the bathroom was opposite this first room.

'And then the next room is a little bigger, but there's a smaller bathroom in here, too.' Sarah said, showing me down the hallway on the right again. This room had more windows so there was more lighting.

'This would be such a good place to film for you, with all the natural light and stuff.' I told her and she nodded, biting her lip.

'I was actually thinking of putting my keyboard in the living room, that way I can be with everyone when I play and the background looks a little more open and spacious.' She argued and I shrugged.

'And then here, we have the third room which is about the same size as the first one.' This one was also at the end of the hall, but on the left side, next to the bigger bathroom.

'Guys, I honestly don't mind which room is mine.' I say and the two of them groaned in disappointment loudly.

In the end, the girls forced me to take the biggest room that had the little bathroom in it. Then we started unpacking all our boxes. Luckily for us, the company was glad to put our beds together for us, as well as the cupboards and such that we have. When I finished, my room suddenly felt a lot smaller, but it looked a lot more lively and felt a lot more like home. If you forget about the smell of fresh paint and dust, that is.

Then the doorbell rang. 'I've got it!' Sarah called and I heard her socks shuffle along the polished wood ground to get to the front door. 'Hey, come in!' I could almost hear her smile in her voice, and then Ethan's laugh.

'We brought you some champagne, too!' Callux said, which made them all laugh. It was obvious that quite a few of the boys where there.

'Guys, the boys are here!' Sarah shouted down the hall, making both Freya and I walk out of our rooms. At the front door stood Ethan, Tobi, the two Cals, Harry, as well as Freya's boyfriend Josh, who was probably the one who let Simon tag along.

I walked towards them with a broad smile on my face. 'Before anyone comes in, take your shoes off!' I laughed, and then let them inside, closing the door behind them all. I took the bottle of champagne from Callux. 'Can I pour some now?' I asked him and he nodded enthusiastically.

'Who wants champagne?' I asked as they all got themselves comfortable on our couches in the small living room.

'Everyone, I think.' Harry looked at me, leaning over the edge of the couch and I nodded, carefully taking out champagne glasses from the kitchen cabinets.

'Watch out!' I said, popping the champagne open and quickly holding it above the sink so it didn't go everywhere. Everyone cheered for me and then watched me pour the drinks.

'Here's to a brand new apartment and to the Sidegirls!' Josh said, raising his glass of champagne in the air to make a toast. He had his arm around Freya's shoulders protectively. Simon stood on the other side of him, looking awkward as I was standing next to him. Everyone joined in with the toast, and then we all took a sip.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Simon looking down at me, but I pretended not to see him. Why did he have to come here, anyway? Why did Josh think that that was a good idea?

I could tell we both felt uncomfortable, and I felt my cheeks heat up and my palms start to sweat. 


Thank you so much to everyone who's told me they liked this book so far :) it really motivates me to write more. I'm glad you all like it so much :)

In case anybody got confused, I drew a little layout thing of the apartment 

In case anybody got confused, I drew a little layout thing of the apartment 

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Mel x

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