Chapter 63 (the end!)

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The interview for Cosmopolitan was held in a small office at the top of an apartment building. It was modern on the inside, and some of the walls were left bare in red brick. I was sitting back stage whilst I got my hair and makeup done, with many makeup artists and hair stylists running around to help me get ready in time. 

From the corner of my eye, I could see Will walking into the backstage area. He dug his hands into the front pockets of his black ripped jeans, and the green tee he wore made his eyes stand out. One of the last times we had spoken properly was shortly after he had decided to drop out of university. I remembered that back then, he always looked so tired and overworked and above anything else, unhappy. But now he strode towards me with pure confidence, I small smile on his thin lips. 

One of the hair stylists turned around and gasped when she saw him, shock covering every inch of her complexion. "Are you... WillNE?" She asked carefully, and I could see her hands shaking with nerves. Will flashed her a warm smile, and the two quickly shared a hug and took pictures together. Then the hair stylist went back to work, pretending her heart wasn't still beating a thousand times a minute. 

I was proud of Will and how far he made it with his YouTube channel. At first I was shocked that he'd leave university so soon, but he only made it more and more obvious that it was the right choice for him. And even though I wasn't there to voice my opinion for quite some time, I hoped he picked up on how happy I felt for him. 

"I just had a chat with the interviewer." He said after saying goodbye to the hairstylist. 

I raised an eyebrow at him whilst looking at him through the mirror I was sitting in front of. "And?"

"Her name is Emma, and she seems very nice and down-to-earth. She's definitely the type to be able to have long conversations with. She didn't make me feel awkward, so let's hope she does the same to you. Anyways, she gave me an idea of the questions she'll ask you."

"Let's go through them then. Like the good old times," I said, and we both smiled at each other through the mirror.

"So Lucifer, you are currently one of the most well known photographers and we are honoured to have you come here for an interview with Cosmopolitan. There is one thing we are all wondering though, so what are some key things you keep in mind when you're taking pictures?" Emma asked me, leaning into the space between us to convey her interest. 

I looked up at the ceiling in thought. "Well, I'm a photographer who is more interested in taking pictures of people rather than landscapes. So that includes portraits of people as well as more candid shots of people in action. In those kind of pictures, I really like to focus on their facial expressions in order to express emotion or tell a story. I also like to keep a sense of mystery in my photos, like if someone is reaching for an object, I'll leave that object out of shot so the viewer can imagine the surroundings themselves. It's like adding an extra touch of creativity that the audience has to come up with." I explained. 

"Wow, that is very in depth and you obviously like to think a lot about the stories your photography portrays." Emma nodded along. "Well, thank you so much for your time here, Lucifer, but before you leave I have a question that was sent in from a fan named Hailey."

"Alright, hello Hailey." I giggled and waved at the camera. Behind it stood will, who quietly chuckled to himself and then gave me a thumbs up when he saw me looking at him. 

"It's slightly off topic, but Hailey needs to know which band you would want to join if you had the chance," Emma laughed. 

I laughed too and leaned back in my seat comfortably as I thought about my answer. "I mean, any normal person would probably say One Direction, but I would've also loved to meet Linkin Park." I replied. 

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