Chapter 23

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We ran our way back to the cinema, him pulling me along by my hand. Although we weren't sure if the others had left already, we were hoping that the others wouldn't walk out of the cinema right at that moment as we jumped into Simon's car and drove away. 

Because I was the one who drove Sarah and Freya in my car, I was doubting if I should leave my car there, but otherwise how would the others get home? I reminded myself that Sarah always had my spare car key and prayed that she took it with her. 

We drove back home, laughing at inside jokes and blasting the music from the radio, as you would do with any old friend. I felt comfortable and at ease as I sang to the top of my lungs, no matter how horrible my singing voice was. Simon laughed and sang along, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel to the beat of the music. When the song ended, I rolled down the window and stared out at the city dramatically, enjoying the cold air pressing against my face. My hair was flying behind me in the wind, and I was sure some of it was smacking against his face. 

'Are you not cold?' He asked, interrupting the happy silence. 

I shook my head. 'I have my winter coat on,' I told him the obvious. I turned to see the corners of his mouth turning up into a smile. 

He parked the car in my parking space, something that Sarah won't be too happy about when she and Freya finally come back home. We took the elevator up to my flat, where the lights were all off, giving off a little bit of a spooky vibe. 

Simon yawned. 'Remind me why we came back here?' He asked as I flicked the lights on in the kitchen, then the living room and the hallway. 

'To watch another movie.' I smiled at myself, letting my coat slide off my shoulders and hanging it up on the coat rack. 

'Is this a Movie Night, then?'

'It's a Sunday,'

'Just a regular movie marathon then,' He asked. He was smiling down at me, already standing in front of the couch. 

Within ten minutes we were sat on the couch together with a movie up and running. We were both still full from the popcorn and hot chocolate, so a couple blankets were our next comfort item. I curled up in one, completely wrapping it around me, and Simon did the same. He looked down at me and couldn't stifle his laugh. 

'We look like idiots,' He giggled, nudging me with his elbow. I tensed so not to roll over.

'I don't, you do.' I insulted back, smiling just as much. My cheeks began to ache. 

'Fair enough. Why is it you always look good?' He attempted throwing me a compliment. 

'Shut up and watch the movie,' I grinned.

I woke up when the sun was shining through the window. I opened my eyes and rubbed them to get rid of the blurry vision. Outside, the light was so bright it hurt my eyes. It was reflecting off a fresh thin layer of snow. This year's first snowfall. 

I was cuddled up to someone, and when I looked up, Simon still had his eyes closed and was lightly snoring. He held on to his blanket tightly. He looked so peaceful and calm, and I just lay there, looking up and appreciating his handsomeness. It took a while for the fact that it was morning and he was still here sunk in. 

My ex stayed the night in my flat and we slept together. I mean, not slept together, but we slept together. 

I sat up in shock, my eyes wide. I stared down at him, wondering what to do. My blanket fell off my shoulders, revealing my outfit from the night before. Suddenly everything came flowing back into my mind. My panic attack at the cinema. Our runaway together. Him seeing me at the café with Ed and Will. Us having hot chocolate at our café and seeing Emilio again. 

Sarah and Freya must be in the flat too, since their bedroom doors were still closed. They would've walked past us, sleeping on the couch. They probably turned the TV off too, unless Simon did that if I fell asleep first. 

I looked around the living room and kitchen. All our shoes were messily set against the wall next to the front door, two coats that belonged to Freya and Sarah thrown over the kitchen island chairs. Three pairs of keys were laid on the kitchen island, alongside my reserve car keys Sarah always had. 

Then I looked back at Simon. Still resting, still looking as innocent as ever. It's been a long time since I got to see him in this state. His body was a sleepy warm, pressed against mine. His palms lay open facing upwards, and I was tempted to place my hand in it as we had done many times before. The light from the window was reflecting off his pale skin, almost as if he had a glow radiating off him, just like an angel.

'We're still in love, aren't we?' I whispered.


Hi guys, 

I'm really proud of the last part of this chapter :) Also some of you said you thought Lu was forgiving Si way too quickly, and I thank you for your feedback. I've taken your opinion into consideration and have a couple of things planned for the next few chapters.

Also, quick shoutout to jonestly and ttbbxx for always voting and commenting, your comments always make me laugh 😂

Much love, 

Mel xx

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