Chapter 14

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'That explains so much. I was pretty surprised you actually agreed, you know?' Freya told me when we got home and settled down on the couch.

'Well, what should I do? I can't just cancel now, can I?' I asked, sighing in frustration.

'Honestly, I think you'd make a good model for their clothing. Plus, all the fans know you so it's not like it'll be a big surprise.' Sarah offered.

'But usually I'm behind the camera, not posing in front of it. And they all know Simon and I broke up, so of course it'll be a big surprise.'

'They don't just know you for your relationship with Simon, you know. I bet lots of them are a fan of your photography, especially now that your work was featured in a teen magazine. Think of how happy they'll be to see you're alive and well!' Am I really well though? 'And you don't know who else will see the pictures. Who knows, maybe some photographer will find it amazing that you're not only good at being behind the camera, but in front of it too. I think it could really kickstart your career.' She got comfortable, sitting in the middle of lots of cushions.

I sealed my lips, trying to take in what she was saying.

'And the fans also know you for filming and now being in my videos, and for being friends with the other boys.' She added.

'You know, I really think you need to stop worrying about Simon so much. I mean, I get you just broke up and that he'll be on your mind all the time because of it, but you need to push him to the back of your mind and focus on the opportunities that are laid out in front of you at the moment. Simon is just a boy, and these opportunities are your future.' Freya added.

'And once you've worked on and improved yourself and made yourself happy again, only then can you think back to Simon. Then maybe you can fix your relationship, but not before you've fixed yourself first.' Freya finished.

I bit my lip, and then nodded. 'Fine, I'll model for their clothing.' I'll have to think more about the rest, though.

'Really? Perfect!' They both exclaimed at the same time, throwing their hands in the air exaggeratedly.

'Now just one question, what did Simon ask you that almost made you faint?'

I bit down harder on my lip, contemplating whether I should tell them the truth or not.

'You know how we used to have Movie Nights?' I asked them.

'What, like the one you were supposed to have the night you found out he was cheating on you?'

'Yeah, well, he invited me to have a Movie Night at theirs this Friday, after we finish the modelling.' I watched as Freya's chocolate eyes grew bigger.

'Seriously?' She asked.

'You go, girlfriend!' Sarah joked and poked me in the side in attempt to make me laugh a little, too. But I felt glued to the couch, and my hands were sweating nervously. 'He's chasing after you so much. You're good at this,' She giggled.

'I wish Josh chased me as much as Simon chases you.' Freya said dramatically and then rolled her eyes at her boyfriend.

'Josh is too loyal and knows you're loyal too, so why would he have to chase after you? You two are practically married.' I told her and we all leaned in and laughed again.

'So? Are you going to the so-called 'Movie Night'?' Sarah asked, propping herself up on her arm.

'Should I?' No, you shouldn't, you idiot.

I saw Freya and Sarah share a knowing look.

'Honestly, go for it, and if anything goes wrong just call us and we'll take you home.' Freya suggested.

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