Chapter 7

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'I cannot believe he tweeted that! Not like everyone needs to know, and as if it wasn't obvious enough that we broke up! What does he even mean?' I shouted, collapsing onto the floor.

'Lu, calm down.' Sarah said, sitting down on the floor next to me. 'He's just a little bit hurt.' She looked at me with sympathetic blue eyes.

'I just wish it would all go away,' I whined, curling up into a ball.

'It will, eventually.' She said, and then curled up to me from behind. She was basically spooning me on the floor of the living room.

'What's going on...' Freya asked as she walked into the living room. She stopped when she saw us cuddling on the floor, making me burst into laughter.

These girls always knew how to cheer me up.

'Guys, we should really go Christmas shopping.' Freya said. The three of us were standing in the big bathroom, all of us doing our makeup.

'What do you mean? It's the second of December!' I laughed.

'Exactly, we only have 22 days left.'

'Girl, you need to chill. 22 days gives us more than enough time.' Sarah said. I leaned up to the mirror so I could see exactly what I'm doing with my liquid eyeliner.

'Okay, where do you want to go? Westfield?' I asked as I carefully started a tiny wing.

'Oh! Yes! That's such a good idea!' Both Sarah and Freya got excited.

'We can take a cab there, and I really want to go to all those little stationery shops. Those are the best.' I said, smiling.

'Oh yes.' Freya said, sounding more than satisfied.

'I cannot believe we have actually gone Christmas shopping as soon as it became December.' I giggled. We sat down at a little table at Zizzi – the Italian restaurant we stopped by to get some lunch. We propped all our shopping bags underneath the table. Yes, we had already bought tons of things for Christmas.

'Guys, I'm really happy with that sweater I bought Josh.' Freya said, pulling it out of the bag to show us again (for the millionth time) as we were waiting to be served. It was a deep blue Christmas sweater, and it had little deer and snowflake patterns printed on it in white. I nodded and smiled at her. It was a cute sweater.

'I really like mine for Cal,' Sarah said. What Saz bought for her boyfriend was a little hard to explain. It was a little creative... thing that claimed to give you video ideas (well, it was actually made for story ideas, but she figured it would work just as well for videos) at the roll of two dice.

'Now he never has an excuse to not upload!' Sarah said, adding an evil chuckle at the end.

'Sounds like the perfect present for Harry, if you ask me.' I said and we all laughed

'Yeah...' I said, awkwardly looking away when they looked at me. At least I didn't have to waste my money on a stupid present for a stupid boyfriend this Christmas.

'Hello, can I get you something to drink?' A waitress walked up to our table, already having a block of paper and a pen in her hand. I silently thanked her for saving me from the awkward situation.

When we got home, the first thing I did was help Sarah upload her new video to YouTube after she spent a couple of minutes finalising the thumbnail.

'I'm so excited, I really think everyone's going to love this.' I tell her as we wait for the video to process.

'Okay, I'm glad.' She said. Once the video was processed, she added her thumbnail and made the video public. She then left to make herself some tea, leaving me sitting behind her laptop.

'Hey, Lu, you should consider being my Youtube manager or something.' She said, the kettle starting to whistle which somewhat drowned out her voice.

'What do you mean?' I asked with a giggle, thinking she was joking.

'Well, you're always helping me film, checking if the video uploads well, looking through my comments, taking photos for my thumbnails and social media... Imagine I make my own clothing line! Freya can be a model and you'll be the photographer!' She said, sounding super excited.

'Honestly, I think it would be cool if you 'publish' your own songs first.' I told her, swirling around to face her on her little piano stool.

'That's true. But think about it, how cool would that be?' She asked.

I nodded. 'That would actually be really cool.' I agreed, then looked back at her video and refreshed the page. Her video already had so many views, thumbs ups, and comments, which was my duty to look through.

I quickly scrolled down to the comments section, which were always the most interesting.

Have you seen Simon's twitter??? #siandlubacktogether??

OMG THIS IS AMAZING, also tell Lu I still totally ship her and Si



My heart instantly felt like it was beating so fast, it could burst out of my chest. I opened up Twitter in another tab, not caring that it was logged on to Sarah's account, and scrolled through all the recent tweets.

It turns out that all of Simon's fans were tweeting Sarah because I was in her recent video and they all know we're close friends.

If Simon wanted a big reaction from his tweet from the day before, he got it.

'And, what are they saying?' Sarah asked, plopping a tea bag into the boiling hot water she just poured into her mug.

When I didn't reply, I could see her pull out her phone from the corner of my eye. When I refreshed the page again, I could see there was a tweet from her posted seconds ago.

Sarah Close @Sazclose - 16s

Everybody leave my girl @LuWilliams alone!! She doesn't deserve to be pooped on by you lot


oooh the drama...

Mel xx

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