Chapter 8

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It was around 6pm, and I was sitting in my own dirt. What I'm saying is, I was taking a bath, and even treated myself with a Lush bath bomb. I figured I needed it, and that it would calm me down. The lavender in the bomb would also help me fall asleep tonight, and hopefully, chase away any bad dreams.

I heard the door open slowly.

'Hey Lu, are you alright?' Sarah popped her head through the little crack between the door and door frame, and when I smiled at her, she walked in, leaving the door wide open behind her. At least there were no boys around.

'Yeah, I'm okay.' I said, which is what I always said. I noticed she had a mug with something boiling in it.

'Frey and I made you some tea,' She told me and I frowned.

'You know I don't like tea.' I told her, confused.

'But this is Earl Grey tea, and it has a lot of sugar in it.' She explained and a smile spread across my face.

'Thank you,' I said and reached out to grab it. She sat down on the floor next to the bathtub cross-legged, looking up at me. We sat in a comfortable moment of silence, and I was almost convinced she was listening to the thousands of thoughts that were running through my head.

'This stuff really sucks.' She said, finally breaking the silence. 'I honestly can't believe Simon is putting you through all of this. You definitely don't deserve it. You're too much of an amazing girl.' She said, seeming upset about it herself.

'Yeah,' I croaked, then took a sip of the tea. This wasn't really a topic I would openly want to talk about.

'Your boobs look good.' She sat up suddenly as she 'complimented' me. I felt cold run through me and the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I definitely wasn't used to comments like those.

I wasn't really sure how to react, so I burst out laughing. 'Uh, thanks?'

'Has Simon ever told you that?' She asked, raising an eyebrow. To her, this was a challenge of who could throw around the best and most original compliments.

'No.' I replied straight away. Simon is too awkward to say that.

'What a dick.' Sarah laughed. She won the challenge. 'What kind of boyfriend doesn't compliment their girlfriend's boobs?'

'Agreed!' We could hear Freya shout from the living room, making us all laugh even harder.

I sighed and rested my head against the back of the tub when the laughing died down, breathing in the lavender scent mixed with my sweet tea.

'Guys! I have the best idea!' Freya exclaimed when I joined her and Sarah on the couch after drying myself off from my bath.

'What is it?' Sarah and I asked in unison, then faced each other to pull a funny face.

'All three of us should sleep in Lu's bed tonight, so she doesn't have any bad dreams.' She suggested.

'Like a sleepover you'd have in primary school? Yes!' Sarah clapped her hands together in excitement.

'Isn't that going to be a little cramped?' I asked.

'Nah, not with that gorgeous, slim body of yours.' Freya complimented and I smiled until my cheeks burned.

'Okay, goodnight guys.' Sarah whispered. As planned, all three of us were sleeping in my bed, with me in the middle. It was cozy and warm with Freya and Sarah by my side, but I couldn't resist giggling.

'What's so funny? I'm trying to sleep!' Sarah pretended to be grumpy.

'I don't know,' I laughed, and Freya turned around to lift an eyebrow at me.

'Are you okay, man?' She asked and I started laughing even harder.

'Frey, look what you've done!' Sarah whisper-shouted. I was laughing so hard my laugh went silent.

'You sound like a dying seal.' Sarah retorted, and I still hadn't stopped laughing.

'How do you know what a dying seal sounds like?' Freya asked.

'I just know things, man.' Sarah replied. 'Now sleep, bitch.'

'I can't breathe,' I struggled to say.

'Good for you,' Saz said.

Eventually, after I recovered from dying from laughter, the three of us fell asleep, limbs and hair tangled together.

When I woke up the next morning, I found that Sarah was still fast asleep, sprawled across my bed so that her legs were on top of me and she was lying above the sheets. Freya's side of my bed was empty, which would explain why the flat smelled off pancakes.

'Saz, get off me!' I said as I heaved her long legs off of me. She didn't even budge. I quickly checked my phone, which was charging on my bedside table.

123 notifications from Instagram.

6 Facebook notifications.

Several Twitter updates from fans tagging me in their posts and post notifications from people I follow.

1 Facebook poke. People still do that?

2 text messages from Simon Minter.

I shook my head, debating on whether I should open my phone or not. I could tell his messages were sent through iMessage, which means that if I were to open them, he would be able to see that I've read them.

Fuck it.

Hey, Winter Wonderland is at Hyde Park again.

I heard that Sarah and Cal were planning on going, and several of our friends, wanna come?

I felt a little off for a couple of seconds, and then realised it was because I couldn't wipe the smug smile off my lips. With my fingers dancing upon my screen, I quickly tapped a reply.

Yh, that would be nice

I didn't even have to think twice before I sent it. I didn't even have to ask Saz or Frey for help, which we often do when we're talking to boys. There wasn't even a spark of anxiety or panic.

I don't know why I expected him to reply straight away, since he'd only be going to sleep around this time, but my face lit up even more when I saw he was typing.

I'll see you then ;)






Mel xx

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