Chapter 54

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I quickly changed into my pyjamas and then slid beneath the covers next to Simon. I had no idea what to do; it'd been a while since I saw him properly cry. He looked so peaceful, his beautiful blue eyes that I hopelessly fell in love with hidden underneath his eyelids, and his recognizable bleached blonde hair a little messy. In fact, his roots were coming through a lot but the artificial blonde spikes sticking out above a crowd made it so noticeable. I loved it when he was like this; so handsome yet so unaware.

I unlocked my phone and opened my messages with Vik. After all the things I've been through lately, he was the one I really felt comfortable with talking to. I felt like I could trust him the most with giving me good advice.

Me: this might sound really stupid but I actually feel guilty for not wanting a baby

Me: I just walked into Simon curled up in my bed and he's been crying

I then put the phone back on my nightstand, not expecting a reply right away.

I attempted brushing away the trails of his tears without waking him, but within a matter of seconds I was looking into Simon's tired eyes. 'Hey,' I whispered and shuffled closer to him, stroking his cheek still.

He simply sniffed his nose once more and looked at me with an empty stare. 'Your car is downstairs in the garage next to mine. No dents or anything,' I reassured him. I let my arm trail down from his cheek to his arm, rubbing his skin gently.

'Where did you go?' He asked quietly in a husky voice that was full of sleep.

'I went down to Brighton, met up with a friend.' I explained and I felt good telling the truth.

'What friend?' He quizzed.

I shrugged 'Just a friend from uni, and she's a girl, no need to worry.' I wished I knew Ella from uni so I didn't have to lie. I was doing so well.

Simon nodded. 'Promise me you'll never run away again,' He asked and his voice cracked, tears threatening to spill onto his carved cheeks once again.

I placed my hand on his bare chest, feeling his quickened breathing. 'I didn't run away, I just needed some fresh air.'

He squeezed his eyes shut and let one more tear escape, and I pushed it away before it had the chance to leave a trail down his face. 'I'm sorry,' He squeaked as he buried his face into the crook of my neck and began sobbing again. 'I'm-I'm just a bit jealous, b-but that's all,' He said between sobs. 'And I'm sorry for n-not understanding you don't want kids but I get it now. We should w-wait 'till we're older. I'll stop talking about it.'

'I think once baby Zerk is born you'll realise how much work a baby is. And you'll be so busy with him that you couldn't imagine having a second one.'

'But they could be best friends,'


'Okay, I'm sorry.' He whispered and stopped sobbing. Then he wriggled in my hold and looked back up at me with a small smile playing on his lips, his matching dimples slowly appearing in his cheeks lightly covered in stubble. 'Freya said she and Josh already had a couple of names in mind.' he said excitedly.

I raised my eyebrow. 'Like what?'

'Luke, Milan, Kian, Simon...' He smiled.

'She did not say Simon,' I laughed in disbelief. Simon giggled as I found out his lie, and started rubbing the stubble on his chin against my face because he knew how much it tickled.

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