Q n A

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What do you regret most?

Now that things have kind of been unfolded, I regret leaving straight away. I really wish I would've just waited for Simon to come home that one Movie Night so I could just ask him about it. I really overreacted and I feel sick just thinking about it. 

Do you still like Simon now that you know what actually happened?

That's a really hard question. I've asked myself it a lot, but I don't think I really know the answer. I feel like now that I know the truth, I can trust him a bit more (that sound outrageous considering what happened at Christmas). It feels somewhat reassuring to know that he didn't really cheat. 

Who do you consider your closest friend?

Well, Sarah and Freya live with me, so naturally, I'd say they're my closest friends. But in terms of who actually understanding me and supporting me, it would have to be Will.

I think you should just forget about Simon for a while and focus on your photography

That's a really good idea, thank you for recommending it. I agree, I think I just need to spend time doing things I really love to take my mind off the whole Simon situation. 

Would you date Will?

This question made me laugh. Would I date Will? Hm...


What is this ring for that we've seen a couple times?

Heh, I can't answer that question for you yet, sorry.

Do you hate Lu?

Hate is a very strong word. I wouldn't say I hate her, but I'm definitely not loving her at the moment. I wish I could.

What do you think about Lu being on the front cover of the magazine?

I think it's a very big achievement for her and that she should be proud of herself. I've seen her work and how hard she works on getting every picture just right, so she definitely deserves it. 

Who is the fan that kissed you?

I–I can't even remember her name. Or where she came from. It just happened really fast. She bumped into me on the street, immediately pulled out her phone to take a selfie with me, and before I knew it, it happened. I really hope that stuff doesn't end up on the internet, though. Like sure, I've kissed fans on the cheek before, but this girl just took it too far. 

What do your parents think about you and Lu?

My parents loved Lu. Throughout the two years we were together, we went to visit my parents sometimes and it was honestly great. Everybody loved everybody. I think they were definitely upset to hear that we broke up because it wasn't something they ever expected. 

Is Lu's anxiety annoying to you?

Are you kidding me? Of course not! Anxiety is never annoying. Of course there's people out there that think that, but those are the crazy people. I imagine having anxiety is horrible, so I always made sure I'd offer help if I could. That's the least I can do, even if we're not together anymore. 

What's your phone number?

Um, what? Sorry, but I don't give my number to people I don't really know... this is awkward...


Do you genuinely have feelings for Lu?

I–hm, you know what? It's a bit difficult to say. I definitely like her–I mean, she's a nice girl n' everything, but I don't know... Yeah, I don't know. Let's just leave it at that.

What's your opinion on Simon

See, I don't really know the bloke all too well. I haven't even met him, for Christ's sake. He seems like an alright lad, though. 

What did you think when you saw Lu and Ed at the café?

Um, it was a little bit awkward, I'll tell you that much. It was weird seeing Lu with another guy in public other than Simon. I didn't believe it was her at first. 


Do you know the boy Lu ran away with and the reason why she left?

I've never seen the boy before and I still don't know his name, but I guess he's a friend of Lu's. Not going to lie, I think it's a bit rude that Lu left me mid-date. I even had to pay for the food she ordered and she hasn't payed me back. I haven't heard from her since. 

Has your work ever been featured in a magazine before? Are you jealous of Lu in any way?

I've been able to squeeze in a couple pictures here and there, but I've never had anything as major as Lu. And she's got it good, because she's still a student yet she's getting paid for all these interviews and photoshoots. Being a photographer is my career, but I'm nowhere near as successful as her. I guess I'm a little jealous, but it just shows that Lu's talented. 


Do you feel bad for Simon?

Not really. Knowing him, he'll take some time to get over it, but he'll get there in the end. I get that he's mad at Lu, but I also don't really think he made an effort to talk things out with her properly. 

Do you think Lu and Si should get back together?

Ha uhm, that's difficult to say. I mean, it would be nice if they did, but only when the timing's right.

Why did you bring Simon when you visited the girls' flat for the first time?

Woah, it's not my fault, okay? It's not like I dragged him out the house to come visit his ex with me. I wouldn't do that, I'm not the kind of guy. Simon decided he wanted to come with me. 

When are you going to propose to Freya?

Oh, Jesus. I don't know man, but probably not anytime soon?


What's your opinion on Lu?

She's sweet? Um, yeah, I like her, she's a cool girl, a cool gal. And she's really good at taking pictures...?

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